[Master] - Improve Titan Loot

Hi Erica,
Thanks for agreeing, It’s definitely a fail! Sometimes players just hit once and will get better loots than active players. It’s crazy

A+ loot is actually a running joke is many alliances…
Definitely think this should be looked at to give an incentive to try do better. Not worse.

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Higher loot tiers give you a better chance at good loot than lower tiers, but good loot drops are still random, low probability events. If you are graded A+ for your work killing a Titan then you have a much better chance at getting good loot than a player ranked C, but if there are 20 players in your alliance ranked C then the chances are that at least one of them will receive better loot than you.

This has been explained in great detail in other forum threads. Perhaps you might search for discussions of Titan loot then read a few threads so that you understand how it all works.


If I buy 10 lottery tickets and you buy only one, is it “fair” if you win?

That’s really what’s going on here. Your Titan grade puts you into a loot tier. Each loot tier has a fixed number of item slots and odds for each slot. Loot Tier VIII gives two Ascenion mats (anything from strong ropes to telescopes), while Loot Tier IX gives three. The odds of getting a rare mat in an ascension mat slot is also lower at VIII than IX.

But there is no linkage between what two members pull from this randomness. Your loot at A+ is three tiers higher than the ally with a C, but he can still come up with very lucky rolls and get two 4* mats, while you have normal luck and don’t get anything, or maybe a compass. Your odds of getting good loot were higher, but that doesn’t guarantee that, when the dice are rolled, you get the better loot.


Fix titan loot. You need to give A and A+ titan winners ascension items at least better loot

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No other way to explain it.


Lol thanks rough day in the office I needed that pick me up lol

The game has moved to a more P2W already, making A+ loot substantially better than other loot tiers would be yet another P2W move.
I’d rather have the random loot as I’m often A+ and I don’t expect much from titan loot as I realize it’s a daily loot and can’t always be good. Use cheaper items if you think the A+ isn’t worth the items you used to reach A+.
I’d much rather see a lower alliance member recieve 4 star loot as it’s going to be more useful to them than me, so I’m much more in favor of a random loot as it is.


So… funny story. I am usually A+ or A at the very least. Yesterday I had an extended work day and didn’t get in on the Titan very heavily. Ended up with a B ranking. Rewarded with a telescope and some trap tools… have not seen that in an A* ranking in months… maybe I’ll bomb on the titan more often :joy:


A and higher titan ranking is position based. I’d worry this would cause competition. Right now, if someone is pushed out of A or A+, no one really cares. I wouldn’t want to cause bad feelings in an alliance… I don’t think it’s a good idea. Also, titans are a daily thing. I think rare titans should have a guarantee at the color ascension material… but regular ones? Nah… they are fine the way they are.

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Last three rare titans in my alliance (9/10*) I’ve gotten A+ and no decent loot. We currently have another rare up and I am leading by 230k, but don’t expect to get the scope for myself. As long as SOMEONE gets at least one, I’d be happy. It’s when we hammer a rare titan and no one gets the mat that sucks

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I think rare titans should be like rare quests. When I see a rare quest I jump on it and complete it as fast as possible. I see a rare titan and think “Great, extra effort for the usual.” I am in favor of ascension mats being rare, I wouldn’t want the game to end too fast. If I could max every hero in the game right now, I’d be bored and leave. Still, if it is a rare titan… I do think in that case, yeah, throw us a bone there.


A+ is cursed lol best loot I’ve got was always 3/4th position !!

You enter the next tier. That’s the reward. Basic fundamental of the game and it works well.

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Like someone else said it’s the RNG. I’ve received better loot from lost titans and wars than ones we’ve beat/won. Last 2 titans, I was A and A+. Got an orb from the 1st and a orb and hidden blade from the 2nd.

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My last A+ had nothing, but my C on a rare (where we had to bring in mercs) gave me a set of fine gloves. And I really don’t have a problem with it…

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Yeah this game doesn’t give any good loot anymore… I have 5 heroes waiting on 4 warm capes each to ascend and Haven’t a single one as of yet… been months… I have spent real money to get so e decent heroes and can’t even ascend them… I am close to uninstalling this game myself…

I will back that remark! In an alliance and ranked in top 1000. Face 11 and 12 star titans and I figured the chests would keep getting better and better but sadly… NO THEY DO NOT! Also is anyone else resdy to throw their phone out the window if u get one more turtle banner and 3 gems with the mystic vision? Seriously that’s old hat. I agree with this post

Usually best loot is cat C

3??? lucky you! <20202020>