🔵 [Master Discussion] -- Trials of Strength - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

As always, super easy…

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A satisfying one to say the least!

Too lazy to swap troops around tbh, Phileas is in purely for the dispel first

:axe: Barbarian emblems are going to Kong & Costume
:crossed_swords: Fighter emblems are going to storage
:red_circle: Trainer… I could off-colour level, but, it’ll probably go towards levelling C Kong


So, i thought I’d try the double riposte team one more time, but brought Junaid this time for extra heal:

I was a little concerned that I wouldn’t be able to do enough damage without Gormek, but maybe Junaid would increase my survivability chances and make up for it.

So, it worked, finished with no items. I don’t have a final screenshot, because i was so surprised when boss Elena and Nashgar both killed themselves on the riposte that i couldn’t take it in time. :sweat_smile: I did lose Elena, but only because i hit Azlar with Junaid to kill him when he had almost no health left, so the paltry 50 points of heal or whatever wasn’t enough to save her. oh well, lesson learned. :nerd_face:

Fighters for one of my zillion red fighters probably. Barbarians to Gretel. Trainer to Lancelot.


My team this time:

  • Boldtusk 4^75+20
  • Frank +c20
  • LJ +c20
  • Grimm 4^75+20
  • Poseidon +18

So, I forgot I’d been switching out LJ for C. Leo on this trial. A little bonus burn for the big lumberjack today.

Mobs were no trouble. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged and red and purple (useless) diamonds on the board. Fired all specials at Elena, then popped the purple diamond while LJ would minimize the bosses’ mana gain. Popped the red diamond next, and after the ensuring cascade, Poseidon was ready again. Killed Elena, but she pulled the first of five consecutive revives. In the meantime, Azlar and Nashgar fell, and then it was just tile-revive-tile-revive until RNG had mercy.

Not enough fighter emblems to get Magni’s next node. Went ahead and gave Obakan node number 19, since I usually think the def and HP nodes are worth it for barbarians, but he’s just keeping them warm until Kage is finished anyway. Trainer hero to LB Scarlett.


As usual, my blue/red team has no trouble.

Trainer to lemikainen (sp), emblems in storage for the next project.


Zircon and ametrine in Lotl KH out no items …

Barbarian storage … Fighter KH should be enough to 19… Trainer lady locke


So, I decided to mix it up, and bring back the blue crew but with Shadereave:

not much change here. Not sure anyone here will see more emblems, too much competition in my roster, but for this, they don’t need them.


Not the final shot but almost. The hardest part was keeping a blue diamond on the board and not ruining my board prep in the next to last stage. anyway, took care of the last monster with Misandra, hit the boss wave, fired Shadereave, BT, then Nordri and Grimm and popped the diamond. that’s what’s left after one move. :grin: fired the blue specials again, made that blue match in the center and it was done.

Barbarians to Gretel, fighters saved but probably either to cElena or cMagni. Trainer to Ilmarinen.

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My team this time:

  • Boldtusk 4^75+20
  • Frank +c20
  • Magni +18
  • Grimm 4^75+c20
  • Poseidon +18

Finally added Magni to the mix, given three red bosses. He’s up to +18 now, and I just got his costume from HA 10, so he still has some growing left in him. Better start trotting him out more to see what he can do. He took the spot previously held by either LJ +c20 or C. Leo +18.

Mob waves were fine, although I did find myself going to Boldtusk for healing a bit more often than I recall in the past. In wave 4, I was able to set up purple (useless), red, and yellow diamonds, and a green dragon that let me pop both red and purple at once. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged. Targeted Elena, since I have no way to deal with her riposte (yet; more on that in a sec). Once I popped the double diamond, she died in the resulting cascade. Azlar just barely hung on through that, but I finished him with the yellow diamond, and I also got Nashgar before he fired. Success, but a very cooperative board, so that could be deceptive.

Fighter emblems take Sun Shangxiang up two talents. Barbarian emblems saved for Kageburado, who I may give a shot at this trial eventually, since he would give me an option against Elena’s riposte. I am completely out of red projects - which will hopefully change during CF 2 next week - so I just gave the trainer to Kage as well. He’s 4^40, and I’m eager to emblem and LB him to shore up my purple squad.


Zircon poseidon ametrine out ©lotl KH ©panther in no items …

Barbarian storage fighter panther trainer Russell


ok, i thought i’d give Ilmarinen another shot. the team, so slotted him in instead of Shadereave from last time:

BT up to 19 for the mana node, since i now have a magic troop at 11. :partying_face:


Well, no items used. I think part of the problem with the trials is that the bosses have so much hp, it takes a while with the shared damage. I’ve been using him on titans too and he’s ok but he doesn’t seem like an upgrade from Gormek, even though the defense down is much better. speaking of boss-level hp, have you seen 2C-Khagan’s hp? wow. maybe we’ll need skills like Ilmarinen to deal with regular raids soon. :sweat_smile:

Fighters saved for now, but maybe either to cElena or cMagni. Barbarians maybe to Gretel. Trainer to Guardian Falcon.

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Zircon poseidon ametrine saoirse in ©lotl KH ©panther grimm out no items …


Barbarian storage fighter panther trainer saoirse

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My team this time:

  • Boldtusk 4^75+20
  • Frank +c20
  • Magni +c18
  • Grimm 4^75+c20
  • Kageburado 4^85+20

Couple of changes since last time. Magni has full costume bonus, and I’m subbing in Kage for Poseidon. Neither has a color advantage against bosses, and Kage gives me some recourse if Elena fires.

Blew through the mobs quite comfortably. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged. Noticed there was a nice match-3 blue under Azlar, so I chose to target him with Magni and Kage. It was the right move, as the match-3 finished him off on turn 1. A couple of moves later, a massive cascade finished the whole fight. Pretty uneventful. So far, Kage is getting a big :+1: from me. Thanks, HA10.

Fighter emblems take Sun Shangxiang up a node. Barbarian emblems saved for Noril. Trainer hero to Tahir.


Ametrine out panther in … saoirse maxed and LB no items

No other pics the wifi single was flashing on me screen but managed to finish the quest juust…

Barbarian storage fighter panther trainer the hatter


Ok, so i maxed Ilmarinen this morning since this trial rolled around. i was up to 15 rings. had the feeders handy and borrowed some food from my TC20 food bank to get there. so, the team:

interestingly. everyone here recently got more emblems. BT to +19 for the mana node so I can charge him in 9 with my magic troop, Azlar to +18 because he’s on my rush defense in costume form, Colen because he gets used for rush and events, and Junaid because he’s just generally a pretty awesome guy. Only took Ilmarinen to 4 because i am still not 100% sold on him.


Used a super antidote but didn’t really need to,mai would have made it without it. i think i should have tried to have a better board before going into the boss wave, but Azlar went off and i was pretty beat up but Elena and Nashgar were already toast so i would have made it without the antidote. If you have tiles handy and specials ready, Ilmarinen can really help take things down fast. But unlike Wilbur, he does nothing to help you survive. :person_shrugging:

Fighters saved, don’t have a whole lot now after getting Ilmarinen to 4, so i need to be picky/choosy who gets them. Barbarians saved, have plenty but might finally take Zekena to 19. otherwise Gretel or ?. Trainer to Zhabog.


Late to the party this time due to vacation. My team this time:

  • Boldtusk 4^75+20
  • Frank +c20
  • Magni +c19
  • Grimm 4^75+c20
  • Kageburado 4^85+20

Same team as last time. Magni is up a node in anticipation of superior talents.

Mobs are never a challenge. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged and a blue diamond on the board. Yeah, it was like that. Nobody fired.

Fighter emblems saved for Magni’s last node. Barbarian emblems now being saved for Silvaria. Trainer hero to Tahir.

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My team this time:

  • CC Kiril 4^73 +20
  • Frank +c20
  • Magni +c19
  • Grimm 4^75+c20
  • Kageburado 4^85+20

After nabbing Kiril’s second costume from the last chamber, I thought I’d give it a test drive, swapping him in for Boldtusk 4^75+c20. Also adds another blue when many moblings and all three bosses are red, so that’s cool.

The mob waves were just for spamming Kiril’s overheal. Blue tiles came and went, but the overheal was enough that I reached the boss wave with nearly double health for everyone. Also had a purple diamond on the board. Fired all specials at Elena, then popped the diamond, but as Elena was below 50% health by then, I opted to fire Kage at Azlar the second time to get his harder snipe. Found three blues under Azlar immediately after, and it was curtains for him. Elena did live to fire (or maybe revived?), an instead of eating the big damage from ignoring it and firing specials again anyway, I hunted for some purple tiles to at least remove the riposte from Nashgar before firing the rest of my specials to end the match. Noticed that everyone still had close to double health by the end. Think I’m digging Kiril’s new costume.

Fighter emblems secure Magni’s superior talent. Barbarian emblems being saved for Silvaria. Trainer hero to LB Jean Francois.

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I used to fear Elena the most, but now that I have Xiahou Dun I have something to dispel her riposte with :slight_smile:

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I beat it with a mono red team for no other reason than “just ‘cause”.

I accidently did it a little riskier than I meant to because I forgot antidotes. I also didn’t bring a dispel, but everything work out.

The big excitement for me was breaking out my newly maxed hero for the first time:

Extra tiles really matter. His base hit is certainly nothing to write home about. Once there are extra tiles though he can bring the pain. It is nice to have a good AoE in red that’s not slow too.

Trainer to Tahir who is coming along. I just got him to third ascension.



I almost swapped out Kage for Nordri for the same reason. With Kiril’s overheal, I think Nordri would have been OK.

That’s always fun, and he looks like a great hero.

I’m enjoying the heck out of him. Hope you will, too.

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