🔵 [Master Discussion] -- Trials of Fortitude - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

2021-Dec Fortitude, Trials of


Melendor b.4*+18,
Rigard b.4^75+18,
Boril b+4*+1,
Vivica b.5* 4.80,
Chao c+4*+1,

b.= base hero, no costume
b+= base hero with costume bonus
b^= base hero with maximum costume bonus
c+= costume and costume bonus
X^Y+Z= Rarity/ Stars X LB Level ^Y Class +Z example b.5^85+15

Battle items

[01] 10x Mana 25%,
[00] 5x Axe attacks,
[00] 5x Arrow attacks,
[05] 5x Harpoons

[x]= number of battle item used

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Most Valuable Player was
Boril b+4*+1, for Pseudo 5* defense stat and 3x counter attack 125% versus Horghall’s attack all enemies

Tied with Melendor b.4*+18, for heal and zero damage dispel ( does not die when dispelling counter attack )

Vivica b.5* 4.80, useful for defense buff, heal and cleanse

Rigard b.4^75+18, useful for heal and cleanse

Chao c+4*+1, adds a yellow sniper to this Class quest which has too many green Classic 4* / 5* heroes

Chao c+4*+1, first time using costume, not bad, not great, but still yellow sniper for this quest


(The Great Yellow Whale ( apologies to Herman Melville ) or Harpooning Vivica in Trials of Fortitude and Friar Tuck in Trials of Piety)

also great iron sink