📩 [Master Discussion] Treasure Quest – FAQ & Discussion

Finally did it!

Thanks to all who posted their teams, plus my ally mates. Never would have thought to use Gastille and Dawn otherwise

Thalassa and c2 Rigard were the 1-2 overheal and prevention / cure. And of course cKrampus took the hits so the rest wouldn’t have to

Hurricane immediately, tornado when things got dicey, time freeze to buy time to charge up, and miracle scroll


That wouldnt be fair to my ftp account or the ftp accounts of many other ftp players that get it


Or alternatively
 let people make their own decision.

This pin cant be earned or won anywhere else so seems like a nice bonus to me


The problem is, the boss has bypass on the special, so Goldie’s reflect and Hachiko’s riposte won’t protect you.

Hachiko can riposte the slash attacks though.

And dodge can be used as that’s not counted as a defensive buff.

I imagine there will be such pins, different kind depending on the color of the rotation, for any of the elemental rotations in this quest. However, unless they come up with a new one per color every next time it comes back, last stage becomes pointless indeed. For example why would i waste 25 WE next time Yellow rotation comes again if the pin would be the same and i already got it?

I have exactly 223 flasks and my max WE is 71. That means I have 15 833 flags to “waste” on hard challenges like this one. Either I “waste” some of them here, playing in a different kind of way for the first time in years, to try and get a cool pin
 or I could farm on auto-pilot for three months non-stop in order to get a few more “strong ropes”.

Yeah. I’ll be fine. Thanks for your advice.


Quintin was my key to taking out the boss. Add daroga making me stronger as the battle went on and glass vivica with a big heal and cleanse keeping my alive. Azlar and Obakan just there to add some damage.

Congrats to all who beat it.


She’s what did it for me. Luna and Phen. I reset the mana reduction punches and kept the buff going. Ludwig next to Shak and homeboy never fired.

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This was a fun challenge! It took me three tries - I kept changing my team around until I landed on this team and items:

I used a hurricane on the middle three to start. Fungustine got a mega minion at some point, which helped! Black Knight took the special skill hits and eventually got knocked out in the boss wave. (I used the antidote for him in the first wave after he got hit with multiple specials.) Fungustine and Hilda gave overheal - Hilda gives a huge hit, big DoT, and blocks the damage reduction buff. Skarn gives a lot of DoT and his corrosive poison gives mana slow - I sometimes had to wait for him to get hit to charge his corrosive core. C2 Domitia is just there for damage in purple.



I was using the Phenexa-Ludwig combo to reset as well, but my problem was inevitably one of Luna’s three random mana punches per turn would miss a fully charged enemy, the enemy would fire and tag Ludwig with “fire-plus-DD-over time kills you,” and I didn’t have enough items to fix that enough times over a long fight.

(I also tried keeping on without Ludwig, keeping his buffs renewed with Phenexa, but then Luna’s buff was only two mana cuts per turn with Ludwig dead

I really thought Phenexa-Ludwig-Luna could do it for me, but it was part luck and part not having enough oomph to quickly remove at least one enemy chest from the field so the mana cuts could concentrate on only two, then one, foe.

Dawn is trickier to use but I could often keep more than three owls up at once and that made the difference for me.

It is interesting though that folks are finding all manner of ways to variously squeak or sail through, depending on roster!

(Oh, and the “14000 TP” recommendation, pfffffffffffffffft. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

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bigger minions shielding little squishy ones


I managed the 14k level without any many cutters or extra hitters (ie Dark feather, Luna, Mena, etc) nor over healers. 3 heroes died at the end, but I had my miracle scroll unused still


What would be the best team tried once then failed? Got close

From that list:

Timothy seems your first choice. Boosted health is a must.
Guardian Panther (costume) will stop the minions going into box form, stopping their invulnerability
Cleopatra can prevent the burn dot.
(Or) Zimkitha can cleanse the burn dot.
(Or) Odette’s dance will stop the burn to allies, though she can still get burned.
Ash will lower the EDD. (Normal DD doesn’t work.) Over the long term, he’s probably your best damage dealer.
Tyr, back in the day, was ridiculously unkillable. Stacks with Timothy and Ash, though I doubt you’d win a stall war against a 17k boss. Maybe Toon Richard can sub in, as the master paladin emblems may keep him alive.

Not saying the above will get it done, it’s just how I would go about it with that roster. Ideally, I’d like some kind of mana cut or slow in there, but good luck.

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I was doing well with Guffa and Arco but that boss wouldn’t die and started hitting others even when Guffa taunt was active for and hitting Guffa for big damage even though his soft skin was still active.

Bonus challenge complete!!


Congratulations! Next time you can join us here!
:package: [Master Discussion] Treasure Quest – FAQ & Discussion @Dudeious.Maximus


I’d ignored the last stage, but I had some spare WE this morning so I tried it for a laugh just to see how quickly I would die, using my usual team:

And to my amazement that actually got it done in one attempt!

Used a hurricane as soon as the level started, for Arco, Dawn and Boril. The mobs mostly died from their own slash attacks, and from DF hits. Tried to get DF and Arco to fire as many times as possible before the boss wave. Proteus died early in the last wave but had fired once to control the sidekicks.

Started the wave with 2 each of Arco’s minions and one each of Dawn’s to see how sturdy my heroes would be first, then fired Dawn a few times once the sidekicks died and I was taking fewer slashes.

No enemies fired. Time Freeze came in when the boss got close while all owl minions had died, then tornado because I needed Dawn and DF to reload fast and the board wasn’t fluid enough to get it done.


I’m sorry I have to disappoint you, @Math-Teacher
I had to call in the big guns, I did it without finesse, using 5* and even gems for continuation.

I tried many tactics for every account, repeat several times, had to hurry - I started last stage a few hours before event ending and didn’t expect being it so hard.

But finally
 My 3 accounts:

Oh, I forgot some crazy Mimics :joy:
(Have I told, that I love Insanity and Ancient Terror Wars? :joy: )


You and I are very similar people. :rofl:

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