Where, oh where has the secret heroes gone?
Oh where, oh where can they be?
With the stacking debuff insanity
And the super low chance
Oh where, oh where can they be?
First the releases of the insanity resist hero’s. After that the secrets come featured in portal
I mean that makes sense but I wish they would still do secret heroes as a bonus draw like before. They can do both if thwy wanted.
Oh well -_- shrug
Still hope they keep The Covenant Portal the same as in continuous updating the featured heeroes to be the most wanted heroes from all different portals. Like the name, the Covenant Heroes.
Its my favourite portal and has had me spent the most $$$ on it. If it turns into construct only that will be lame and ill spend less. Its my favourite portal and i always look forwatd to them putting the good stuff that may have been missed from other portals. Its still dair because its hard to target a specific single hero from the fearured as its only 1/6 so keeping all 6 heroes to be too tier us really fun and cool. Aposed yo the other portals with multiple undesirable featured heroes with usually only 1 geeat one.
Keep Covenant Portal Great
Does anyone know what happened to the secret calls?
Will they ever come back?
I got one … So now I’m addicted to holding my pulls until the last day of a portal… Which has resulted in very little success.
Did anyone know that Hunter would be available. Is this the start of a week if available opportunities if multiple heroes or just him randomly?
Our Oracle has predicted Hunter’s arrived only yesterday night.
Hunter will be pullable for 3 days.
There are no further predictions for Secret heroes available.
Hunter has become the Hunted
I did my pulls, 21 Halloween, 10 wilderness, 1 ninja… No Hunter.
You should be happy with that.
10 Wilderness heroes is amazing, I guess some are dupes but they’re all great.
No… Those are my pull numbers… Zero 5*… And 2 useful 4*… It’s fine. Better than nothing useful.
I’m close to triple this with nothing lol. Also, have they yet released all the secret heroes or are we still waiting for others to arrive?
There are still some unreleased ones.
I presume they are holding a few back for the eventual mystery portal.
Our Oracle, Our God
Hi all, some oracle prediction for current month?, I’m waiting for summoning my 11 poor coins… Waiting for secret ones, outfitter, new costumes etc etc
Hi all,
I’ve seen that in beta there’s a new portal with the secret heroes, anybody knows if this means that the secret summon is over?
I’ve 50+ eht and I’m ready to chase pengi, but I would like to wait for secret summon… @Petri will my wait be useless?
I am also interested if there will any secret summon in near future?
Maybe not as now we have Shadow summon for these “Secret heroes”.