[Master Discussion] Raid Brawl - FAQ and Discussion

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

# Start Time End Time Duration
1 2024-10-22T07:00:00Z 2024-11-05T07:00:00Z 14 Days
2 2024-11-19T07:00:00Z 2024-12-03T07:00:00Z 14 Days

:crossed_swords: Raid Brawl

Event Rules

NEW: Heroes with a Slow mana speed receive boosts to attack and defense, and an extra chance to resist mana reductions and defense ailments.

  • The combo damage is increased with 0.2 after each combo.
  • The Tiebreaker is starts in Turn 21.
  • The chest is openable after 50 Raids.
  • The max HP reduction on critical damage is equal to the critical damage itself.

Raid Brawl Chest

The Raid Brawl is set to end after 14 days, and it stays active even after you have collected the chest.

Example chests from Beta:

  1. 30x Gems, 1x Common Trainer hero, 1x Titan Flask, 1x EHT, 1x ETT, 1x Summon token, 1x Costume Key, 5x Untold Tales Coin, 30x Emblems, 6x Loot Ticket, 1x Compass, 1x Battle Manual, 1x Timestop, 1x Meteor Fragments
  2. 30x Gems, 1x Common Trainer hero, 1x Titan Flask, 3x Summon Token, 1x Costume Key, 5x Untold Tales Coin, 1x Alpha Aether, 1x Master Emblem, 50x Emblem, 6x Loot Ticket, 1x Mystic Rings, 1x Battle Manual, 1x Dragon Bones
  3. 30x Gems, 1x Common Trainer hero, 1x Titan Flask, 3x Summon Token, 1x Costume Key, 5x Untold Tales Coin, 30x Emblem, 3x Loot Ticket, 1x Fine Gloves, 1x Hidden Blade, 1x Timestop, 1x Dragon Bones

:link: Related topics


Cool. I look forward to playing it some more…liked it in Beta

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Is this simply going to happen and normal raids count towards the Raid Brawl chest or is it another arena like the Raid Tournaments?

I read the Beta Beat thread before asking the question

It is just extra loot for doing Raids with these Special Rules.


Well… Tuesday is the 5th. So it will start sometime, someday.

Does this replace regular raids or run along side them?

Thank you very much for the quick response!

You do amazing work and amazing amounts of that amazing work.

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Do these wins and kills count towards the normal Raid chest like HL did last time ? Would be great if it did.

Bug: if you log out while searching for a brawl, then you are prevented from logging back in until you restart your phone.

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Yes it did

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Wonder how Crit Troops are fairing with the health reduction rule. I’ll quickly level some up to see. No. Wait. Can’t.

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Excellent! I will participate then. Thank you.

Okay got it. Thanks.

tome and a few other bits


Can you share video/pic with higher resolution? TY

hopefully this is clearer


Not Bad.
And what happen when you open it, is there another one After 50 raids, or is that the only one?

Just to know if it worth using Flask to open it faster…

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This is the answer.

You can open the chest only once, but the Raid Brawl rules will be effective until the event ends.


Personally I feel like it’s a lot more easier now because tile damage is buffed


I giggled when an unintended cascade knocked out 3, leaving 2 with low hp.

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Nice, then filling raid chests will also be easier while Brawl is active!

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