Seems like the tower coin increase for chests is the same as the ninja tower
Does anybody know why I got these flasks?
I finished normal yesterday and I just went to do ten floors of impossible and these popped up.
Shadows of the Deep Part 1 and Part 2 finish.
Oh okay, thank you.That’s weird that it popped up now though. I finished shadows of the deep this morning.
Didn’t even notice those completion rewards
After the hectic finish and scoreboard watching during last month’s Ninja Tower, decided to take things nice and easy this Tower. The event coming right after the Mythic Titan made the decision simpler.
Definitely would like to add the Owl emoji, but not this time. Saving my hurricanes and alt scrolls for the future.
Only used minor mana potions, and 1 tornado so far. Started with the usual Normal Tower team of Odile - Verity - Gwynn - c2Marj - Ferrus up until the Mana on Boss wave blessing appeared. Then switched to DF - Verity - Gwynn - tAzlar - Ferrus.
Score is 12k above the last Owl Tower which I finished 373rd. That was a long time ago though, and with a projected final score around 2.1 million, just hoping to finish in top 1k.
I decided to flask and get the tower over with, when I have the mood. Otherwise I may not.
I managed to increase my score by 80k from the previous (2,019,000) so my new score is 2,100,000 which is fine, but I definitely could have done better, I should have restarted at least 2 or 3 where I only got a 50k score on the last 5 stages, but it is what it is, I knew I would have 2.1mill still, so didn’t care about restarting.
Now I am at about 84 coins, which is annoying, so close to another pull, but oh well haha
Yeah, it’s tough when you’re so near to getting another Prisca…
Mine is Kailani lately. 4 in a row, kailani (1 of them was on my alt account, but I still count it).
And they were different days, but still, 4 in a row!