[Master Discussion] - Mirages of Omega (Limit Breaker) Quest - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

Hi my question is what does this effect have on balancing heroes with these limit breakers does it mean a overhaul for all heroes and costumes as I see that you’re going to have a major issue for limit breakers for heroes as you’ll have no choice but to balance them all out and we have already had major issues with balancing heroes for example Telluria had great hitting power as I had her fully levelled up and ready for emblems but no emblems on her as we had to play with balancing but there were the guardians too with many more heroes which made them useless or not been used as much so if the limit breakers are not going to effect the balancing of heroes This may save members wanting to quit over limit breakers and this may go for many E&P gamers too as I have more than half in the alliance wanting to quit over this matter thank you

Aethers are now a part of this game. They are available from war win loot, raid tourney loot, war chest loot (I think) and monthly omega quests.

Someone just posted a limit broken Lepus in another thread. Others have posted limit broken Kirils, Grimm and Sonya. There will be more to come.

What comes next is for each player to decide:

  1. Continue as usual, try to LB as many heroes as they can. There will be Aether packs for sale soon enough. To spend or not to spend, and how much, is entirely up to the player.

  2. Reduce activity, go down one tier (say c2p to f2p) or move down to a lower level alliance… monitor the situation before making a firm decision. This is an option

  3. Decide firmly to go casual or move to lower tier Now. And then continue playing the game for player’s own reasons.

  4. Be aghast with this game’s new direction, exit soon enough.

Each player should decide for themselves.

It will be “chaotic” for awhile till a new equilibrium is reached. Probably a few months, a year (?), later. It’s hard to say right now.

As it is, the Devt Team is already global beta testing the hidden System support for Raid defence teams, as a solution to much stronger limit broken defence teams. How this pans out? Nobody knows at this stage.

I am sorry that I can’t give you a clear and definitive answer. It’s just not possible currently.


Im sorry if this has been posted before, but is it possible to LB costume without LBing the original hero?

Got me my first yellow aether’s from tourney loot…

No, not possible. Need to LB original then costume.

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A solution that will create a problem of must-having a defence team of limit broken heros - if you want to stay competitive. Reducing/canceling defense bonus will make things much easier, hence, you better have those war defences limit broken asap! :slight_smile:

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Got 3 aethers from 10% tournament loot today, mostly low level, but if can get that weekly will have an army of lb 4*s in no time

Exactly. Their solution generally creates another problem.

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i take back everything i said, you dont need to even get magic involved.
Aethers are rewards now…


Saw a picture of someone having a 1k attack Cobalt, due to limit breaking

One of our Alliance’s Member


I saw this on LINE


Question, does anyone have an idea of Elizabeth’s stats when Limit Break is applied?

This is what Kramous looks like when going all def limit break.


How is this calculated?
+20 Cobalt Atk route has stats of 938/721/1550
1st tier limit break gives +23/+20/+42 so how do you get to Atk 1002? shouldnt it be 938+23?

That is a true 7* hero. The power is more than 200 above lowest regular S1 5*.

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What also sucks is now that we are seeing “Limit Broken” heroes with crazy stats, we are forced to take in only Mono teams and hope for good opening boards.

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After limit break you still have to upgrade hero with feeders to take it up to 85lv

And I think that % based routes are changing after limit break but I’m not sure about that

Who’s dumb idea was it to only give 4 5* after the quest and rely on luck and RNG for the first allotment of limit broken heroes?

If someone is incredibly lucky and others aren’t, they’ll have 2,3 85 heroes while others have zero and have to wait approximately 5 months for the next limit break quest just to ascend.

Sounds really balanced. How stupid. I implore others to follow suit and only summon free heroes until you actually gather that LB material because chances are they’re going to release stupid OP heroes that you’ll want to have LB material handy for so you can just plug the team into your defense and log out for a month and come back #1. :expressionless:


First of all, you should know that N1 doesn’t exist in E&P. Unless you are referring to N1 spender.

Second, I have played a card game with rotating out and in cards for a long time. And I heard this from other players very often “I will wait for the next set of cards to be released because then they may release something OP which I may want to buy”. OP cards were pretty expensive btw.

Thing is, there always were OP cards around the corner in the next set. And most often than not some of those OP cards got banned. And their value decreased dramatically. So players were waiting for that perfect balancing moment when they could feel safe about their purchased cards - and that moment never came. Not for a very long time at least.

As a result, there was two lines of players of that game. Some players simply played with cheap cards. Others purchased the expensive ones constantly, knowing there will be many more to come, and the new ones will probably make most of the old ones obsolete, and some will get banned even - but still purchased.

There is one tiny difference between that game and E&P. If a player wanted to leave that card game, they could sell their card collection for a very nice sum usually, sometimes even with a nice profit, even with great spending. Whereas players in E&P cannot do that - even if they attempt to sell their account, they will not get even a tenth of their money invested in it.

So, it’s up to you how you prefer to play the game. Of course, if you prefer to play with the cheap cards (like me), don’t expect to win as much, but it will be a great satisfaction to beat the players who bought themselves expensive cards over and over (as I do occasionally).