[Master Discussion] - Master Emblems, Master Talent and Superior Master Talent

Working as intended. This was done after my post. Season 1 heroes will still have better abilities.

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What’s the Experience Offer? I didn’t even see it and now it’s disappeared :sweat_smile:

These two now are incredible

Continued with these three


now? lol… like she wasn’t yesterday lol


Lol true, but it’s the little green man that really catches my eye :grinning:

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Was pretty lucky to get rare chest. 5 master emblems is better than 0 but if it will happen with the same frequency (last time was like a month ago), I’ll be able to upgrade 2nd hero to 25 maybe in a year…


Man I was gonna throw them on Shacklebolt but I have Lemonwood at 4.48 so might just save them for him. I do have 1200 Ranger emblems though so I feel torn between choosing those and choosing a class which I have the least emblems for. I use Atlanteia a lot also. What to do, what to do?

I don’t like that master emblems are not a passpartou for all classes. And why only 500 free emblems after 7 years this game is running? Give 1500 for to full level 20 a 5*. Be a little more generous. Besides that master emblems in general is not that bad idea. It will actually minimize the competition between whales and f2p but who cares. Whales will fight whales and all the rest will fight together. No problemo.


Looks like a Master node on a 3* hero currently gives the same flat stat adjustment as on a 5* hero.

But, say, 180 points of additional defense on current-defense 740 hero is proportionally a lot more than 180 points of additional defense on toon!Vivica or whatever.

Feature or bug?

(And either way, how long until it gets, say, Gartened :crazy_face: )


Not a bug, it’s a flat value as other emblems so that new players wich wouldn’t be able to get them would be even more penalized.

All hail Treevil 3.60.25 on rush!



You can only get master emblems from those two resources. That’s so limited.

It seems all the top players have all their heroes maxed on master emblems even though only five have been made available. Am I wrong! Is cheating this easy?

If you have bought 2 Legendary Tome of Golden emblems, then you can emblem 4 additional heroes to +25 emblems.


3 sources from what you have shown
Master class Quests
Rare wanted mission
Rare titan battles

Apart from those sources, Golden emblems can be used in place of master class emblems

What are master class quests? Haven’t seen any so far.

The first one drops Friday.


I expected a bunch of golden emblems / tomes offers today - what happened with “developers”??? :laughing:

I already spend to much playing this game and for them to keep on making All of the things you need to increase stats I am really considering quitting this game. It truly is unfair to everyone especially for those who are limited to pay to Play. Will stay until my Phoenix runs out and see what happens before then. Otherwise I will have to quit the game because I have Better things to spend my money on like food, gas and stuff for the home

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I already spend to much playing this game and for them to keep on making All of the things you need to increase stats I am really considering quitting this game. It truly is unfair to everyone especially for those who are limited to pay to Play. Will stay until my Phoenix runs out and see what happens before then. Otherwise I will have to quit the game because I have Better things to spend my money on like food, gas and stuff for the home.


which class is best any idea?