[Master Discussion] - Master Emblems, Master Talent and Superior Master Talent

It’s nice that they finally reduced the cost of something (only to increase the overall cost to max a hero out), but the emblems spent at the higher mark should absolutely be reimbursed. I have TONS of maxed emblems heros, i sure could those thousands of emblems returned to me (old cost of last emblem 250, new cost 125, we should get 125 back for EACH last emblem used, so on and so forth). For new players to come in and spend half the emblems (on affected reduced emblems) we did, is a complete diservice to loyal account holders that have been with the game for years. I seriously hope someone that matters passes this along to someone that can make a decision. This should be an easy one for your customer base. Laziness is not an acceptable reason to not make this right with your customer base


I also would like to know this! I am thinking of +25 for Leonidas - I have all costumes. This question is very relevant for c2 Leo.


Here you go @beave

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Yeah, I’d like to use them on Farrah so she has a chance to apply def and elemental def down, but not if she could overwrite a better defense debuff. Barbarian bleed is it’s own debuff so hopefully this is too, but I definitely don’t trust it works the same, lol.

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Superior barbarian attack stacks and so I hope master superior ranger defense down stacks, but it would be nice to have confirmation. The description on the talent grid does not say this.

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I agree. Based on PFF’s descriptions at the top of this, it looks like they are both enabled, but my understanding of the wording means that it’s replaced by the new description. Which would be stupid and I don’t think that’s what they intended. To me wording should be much clearer in the talents box itself!

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Thank you, but I’m not sure if that answers the question. Is the ranger defense debuff a unique debuff that stacks with regular defense down or does it overwrite existing/better defense debuffs? I suppose only someone who’s tested it either in beta or since the new talents went live today would know.

Anyone knows how the new Master Talent works? It doesnt quite explain if it replaces the old talent skill or if it is added to it

For example
Timius has 30% percent to revive

With the new talent will he have 30% + 6% = 36% AND +25% attack or JUST 6% revive + 25% attack? if the original talent gets replaced this really is a nerf just for some extra attack and health

Yes I understand now :slightly_smiling_face: I read it too quickly earlier and thought you were asking about how the talents stacked or didn’t. Hopefully you get your answers!


260 emblems, you have 3x125 and 1x250.

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You are overthinking it… its 30+6=36.

The same as it always has been.

I can’t decide which hero should get the free emblems. Please help.

  • Lemonwood
  • Sparklight
  • Cecilia
  • Domiventus
  • Torben
  • Phorcys
  • Ludwig
0 voters
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100% +20 characters. Every 5* hero at 20 nodes we just don’t get back 200+ emblems… sad I could have almost 3k emblems across my hero’s with 20 nodes. I can’t imagine how many some people could have back in their bank.


The addition of the Master Class emblems has basically nerfed all the S1 heroes that have been at emblem level 20 and benefiting from the Superior node which gives them a fighting chance against the newer heroes (not really but at least it was something). Now all of these S1 heroes are knocked down and MORE resources are needed just to give them some sort of edge with the Superior Master Class at level 25… smh.

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Hmmmmm…where do you get all the food and iron and maybe reset emblems from?
If you buy the stuff couldnt you just buy emblems instead?

Indeed, laziness. I wouldn’t mind getting emblems for 27 5*+20 (some are +19 etc) diff, which new players will not have to grind. Playing since season 1.

well their language use indicates that it could be just replaced that’s why I’m asking to know from people that have already done it

Lucky me… I have The Mighty Featherino (3 :star:) as my sole owl.

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This is how it’s always been worded for talents, even previously before this update. Here’s a past node worded the same way:

The + sign in this case indicates it’s 6% more than whatever it was prior to activating the node.

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I thought it was pretty clear. The text in the nodes will be replaced by that new text in the nodes. So will still be 30% chance to revive, just with the added bonus below. Won’t be 36, no new class node in 21-25