Yup. Sargasso is the only legendary hero I have that I have not ascended. They even buffed him and he is still worse than a large number of four stars.
Disappointing list… considering how fast and what monsters they keep creating… none of the list is even a fraction of a new hero… total crap
I have costume rumple… All 3 skills are good… But i don’t like the variability. I don’t foresee me getting a second one.
Of course, they already did it twice in SE
And made me taking grace lol
Boooooooo! Like going to a small town consignment store for shopping.
That’s really weird yet incredibly accurate comparison.
Bera is a really good hero option. She completely stifles minion producers, especially the dangerous pain in the ■■■ ones in events.
My issue is some of these cards were bad even when they were released and then some which were powerful back then aren’t even relevant in the current game play.
And giving them in FS after 2 to 3 years is just poor choice. I will still take some of them to build the next SE pool. I have 0 legends to exchange now.,
I just got alfrike plus her costume and I’d like a second… But not at the expense of only seeing alf tanks in vf wars. I know there are arguments that she is no longer the queen of vf… But that’s crap.
Thanks for the hints
My holy titan team is very good
C W Rabbit for DD
G Jackal for EDS
Rhys for attack up
Bertulf for boost attack
Jasper for critical and attack up
Since Rhys and Jasper overwrite their attack up, I could place Rhys with Norns for MT against the yellow ones
Or going to a swap meet and seeing really good deals on used ■■■ toys… Sure… They could be washed and used… But hard pass.
Let’s go @Petri
Give a hand to those who send it to improve this list a little, some generosity towards the E&P community will be appreciated
Disappointing list. same as SE.!! ■■■■■■■ EP
I don’t like @'ing @Petri… But i gotta ask… When y’all were in your fated summons meeting… Did y’all expect people to have a positive reception to this list?
Soul exchange was always presumed to be second and third tier heroes with some use… I will never expect to see top heroes in the soul exchange… Maybe… Maybe a support hero like arco/milena that tickle the top tier…
Is it possible to know if the refresh time will still be 180 days? Thanks data miners for the info!
Baldur… You pair him with Arco, charon, and two hitters and he prevents all mana down heroes… Neith, waterpipe, bera/freya (when they die)… So… I can see a place where i use him.
Just created a poll topic to see if people wait for the new list or pull now before it refreshes (or if they miss pulls till 100/100, if they are happy with the next list or wished they could do one more summon with the current list)
I know you only report but what a crappy board! I think it’s the worst yet. So sad!
Carmenta … had to look that one up.
Demonstrates the problem with Morgan though. She can benefit from other heroes but she is of no benefit to them. I only use her for MT because of her high (for me) attack.