[Master Discussion] - Fated Summon (Counter doesn’t reset on list change)

For F2P, C2P, new players (like me) … In all these choices, salmon actually looks interesting if you faces >=2 holy enemies

With 4/80 First 250% then 528 damage is guaranteed to holy in the 3rd turn, it should give around 7-800 damages in 3 turns for those holy enemies… not bad for average-speed and also “regardless” on enemies defensive-stat (Maybe 8-900 if LB1)

It also has a bonus to mess up with enemies color formation as well as (on average) 5xx damages to at least one random enemy on 1st and 2nd turn
(it can nicely paired with Chechire cat to holy defdown & mess up also enemies tank/wing positions :joy: )

So it’s very specialized for raids to >=2 holy team

I also am interested in Norns as i can combine the strength of Purple/Yellow together to be more synergized (e.g. my Purple does not have attatck-up, I can use one in yellow … Similarly, my yellow doesn’t have def-down, I can use one in dark) … esp. in PvE (which is my focus) this looks very interesting & useful

It’s also interesting to combine strength green-red / green-blue / red-blue depending on situations (if you are like me, have no perfect mono – lacks hitter for some color, lack good attack boost in another) …

So to me Norns have a bit more use cases , but I also think if the next 6th-month FS list is worse than this list, I may take Salmon before it ends :melting_face: