📘 [MASTER] Challenge Festival (I) Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

Coming into this game from Candy Crush, repeating the same level over and over is not an issue :rofl:

Personally speaking, being able to move tiles around quickly looking for diamonds and combos (without worrying about meta heroes in the defense) is a rare joy in the game.

And I happen to have the heroes to build the teams required to get assured, non-random rewards.


Getting good boards in raids… got a costume key from MV

Feeling lucky… bought that offer to try my luck.
First pull…Merlin costume…and then…

Hippo and Tweedles back to back from the 3rd and 4th coin pulls! Super stoked!!


Sharing scores just because I liked the ranks


24 hours to go

Rare just needs a little bit more


Playing the top 1K legendary for the EHTs


It’s 2 4* mats every time for what is now not a lot of effort. Once you know how and have the teams etc etc it’s just a few hours and done.


I am soooo happy that I have all the 4* mats I need so I dontb have to go through this extra grind!


Ci grata. Im curious though, what was that tier 10 offer for 50 coins and 10 eht? Maybe i overlooked it cos it was out of my price range but i dint remember it and don’t see it now. Was it 1 of those 24 hour deals?

I just saw it was the $9.99 offer, I remember ignoring it because I had already pulled Hippo and had bad luck recently with 36 EHT

Just did 40 pulls

Only worth mentioning …

Im done did get hotm agian

Good luck to you all :+1: :green_heart:


I have 11 pulls saved. Not interested in this hotm plus guess the festival II is better. Plus I have Anne and C. LOTL.

Any opinions? I really don’t mind waiting. Which festival is better? I also have 3k gems… don’t know where use them. Bent to Costumes (when all 4 stars are released) or festival II.

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3 hours to go…

Rare looks safe, but keeping an eye on the ranking drop.

Alt scores for those aiming top 10k/5k/10k


The increase in challenge events has made it easier to get each rank.

Stage 3 Rare 4 Epic 5 Legendary
01 42,777 59,669 77,070
02 44,630 60,750 76,128
03 42,229 64,844 78,002
04 43,492 61,922 78,198
05 55,953 73,834 89,763
06 53,328 77,851 92,527
07 62,345 79,919 101,981
08 68,446 83,379 98,170
09 73,235 87,470 112,709
10 77,172 72,968 112,196
Total 563,607 722,606 916,744
Rank 7,343 2,458 2,460

Scores and ranking fairly stable in Legendary 1k. Rare 1k threshold seems to be getting lower though.

Date Rare Rank Epic Rank Legendary Rank
2023/01 623,553 826 777,997 829 1,003,026 520
2023/04 629,469 739 731,009 1,949 1,002,663 837
2023/08 626,576 795 763,738 1,073 1,008,911 640
2023/10 625,999 778 717,591 3,109 1,007,752 662
Item Used Prev Used
Dragon Attack 49 69
Bomb 86 141
Axe 61 85
Arrows 114 132
Full Mana 32 17
Mana 35 39
Minor Mana 210 259
WE Flask 19 18

Lower item usage from not pushing Epic, and Legendary getting ‘easier’ with stronger heroes and teams.


Are we gonna have 2 challenge festivals per month for now on or the previous month was an exception?

Little late but in last CF1 I got 5 pulls(3 from PoV and 2 from quest) . Did all of them and get cQoH, and cRumplestskin. And also cMeriln. I’ve only had 40 lvl, and had like 6 legendary heroes. It was probably the greatest luck in my whole e&p playing.
But still don’t get Shrubbear, wich is only 3* and hero I wanted the most from CF, instead of ofc g. Hippo.
But still I love CF1 :heart_eyes:


4 coin summons and 1 mystic summon gave me…

Dupe Treevil
Dupe Lemur
Dupe Cap of Diamonds

And two new to my roster …

They were also the last two of the original challenge event 4* that I didn’t have!


I got 4, yes 4 Sargasso! Ugh. Worst poisoned luck ever.

Definitely something wrong with my rng. All I wanted was one frog prince!!!

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Got him!



I figured ten pulls and that’s it cause none of the featured interested me, came at the first pull. RNG is just full of BS at times