📘 [MASTER] Challenge Festival (2) Challenge Event – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

This portal is decent great that theres no s1.

… and summon #6 from coins gives me Eichelborg! nice! A fast 4* Red hitter is just what my roster needs.


@Ugk26 Omg dude 5 Emilios lol (reminds me of when I pulled 5 Karnovs). Nice one on the DL and Toxi dupes though, good ones to keep in your safety deposit box. I’ve always wanted Toxi as she’s the only villain that eludes me.

Well good luck for your next stint!

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Candy. Noril and Ingolf for me. All new for me.


Netted some good ones in 25 pulls. Never had aodhan and cillian before, so it’s a win for me.


These were your gems.

These are your gems after CF2 summons. Any questions?

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@Kenzo So happy and slightly jealous lol. So this post inspired me. Did about 500 pulls, I did get a few usable 5s but not my lady. Going in for one last push wish me luck lol then it’ll be offers from here out sadly.,

Congrats though, I think she’s an amazing healer on paper and would love to play w her. Cheers my friend!


About 50 pulls. Two 5* challenge event heroes! It’s not that impressive, though. Senan is not my favorite, so it will remain 1.1 forever, and Emilio is a duplicate. Challenge Event Portal has always been harsh to me.


Senan will be good i got and will level. Do need more prple damage though.


@Kenzo Hahahaha listen to this. So I figure this is going to take a while so I load up on gems. Did my first ten pull….


I did 38 pulls and landed two 5* I didn’t have. Not the ones I wanted, but nothing to complain about either. :slight_smile:


About 70 pulls with the coins and gems I had saved.
Got Emilio, Eiora & Fluffy, Zuri, Asterius and Senan.
I didn’t get any of the bard heroes, but I’m happy with the result because I didn’t have any but Emilio.


Amazing 5* rate! Congrats!


@Ugk26 thanks man, I haven’t got Garnet so an alternate red healer is good and also one that will pair well with Oceanus. Haha it’s like how you inspired me with C. Alasie, I was like no more pulls but then I had to keep going and it took a while but I got there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Omg I had to edit my message cause I replied before I saw your new update. Yay!!! You did it, you never cease to disappoint. Once you have your eye on something, you will find a way to get it, one way or another :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Guess you’ll have lots of gems saved for the Styx summon!

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Did a ten pull and got nothing but three stars. My spending days in this game are over.

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@Kenzo @Ugk26
Gentlemen…200 more pulls and still no phenexa…dupes of el &fluffy, asteris, isrod, and senan … I’m done here… :frowning: maybe next time…

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Had enough for 22 summons from saved up tokens. Ended up with Faline and two extra Tahirs. I’m done with pulling for this event.


Thank you!!!
When Emilio appeared on the third coin pull, I knew I was in luck.
Emilio and Eiola appeared during the 54 coin pulls, Asterius and Senan literally back to back on the 1st 10 pulls, and pulled Zuri at the end of the 2nd 10 pull.


Wow. After completing event stages, 2 more pulls with the coins from loot. I did about one hundred pulls some month ago to get Toxi, but I failed. Finally, she showed up. And Bobo with one free pull. It’s awesome. Wow.


Back to back in 10 pull.