🐉 [MASTER] Ancient Underroot Dragonspire Quest – Guides, Discussion & Summoning Results

Lol… So basically 2 pulls from this portal if you find 10 special monsters.

Btw which 3* dragon do you guys think shall be the mighty Dawa equivalent in Dragonspire?

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Got my chest and the 2 free pulls. I am more than happy with the results!


Came here to see what chest gives. Now that I know that it doesn’t give anything for stronghold heroes I will happily skip it.


They found the ideal mechanic for a place where not much happens. You can easily use all your WE in this event, as you can play every level as many times as you want, and chances to get these special guys is quite low (I’ve played like 15 times and have found 3).

The sad part is rewards. Up to two pulls for a chance of a couple new dragons that are a little stronger than the vanilla ones is very meh, and there’s nothing else. They should at least give one uncut gem, come on.


Dunno from “ideal”. It’s not bad. What we need though is something for the alliance to get together on. That’s the glue that keeps many of us playing.

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Don’t really like the mechanics but its something new. No complaints regarding my 2 free pulls!! First 5* Dragons for me. Will take years to level but who cares :sweat_smile:


This is probably the most fun I’ve had in dragonspire.
1 It’s something different including a different type of boaster
2 Opportunity to get some dragon summons
3 Different stages that are replay able where each player can select the difficulty they want.
4 Rewards increase as difficulty increases
5 Clearly stated odds


I autoplayed until I reached the chest. One pull gave me a 4* red which I luckily had the mats to fully level. I dipped under 900 stored feeders.


Event complete - but I don’t know why I bothered.

2x summons from Ancient Dragon Portal: Sting and Silva :angry:. (Both 3*.)

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Just adding a like to your post as positive feedback is pretty rare nowadays :wink:

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But overall feeling is still this… :pensive:

Almost didn’t collect that extra chest. Thought I was only getting the 10x10 from the special enemies. Glad you posted, so that I could get another Kranio.


On the one hand,

I can see the intent behind this quest. Smaller rosters can farm lower levels to complete it, bigger rosters can charge to the top level and complete the quest more quickly. In principle, I am in support of apparent thoughtfulness in quest design.

On the other hand,


Yeah, okaaaay.

The quest turns into a lot of repeated manual farming on whatever the highest level is that doesn’t require item burn, and the result does feel a lot like “I guess I could have been autofarming.”

yes I know what the stated odds are on the dragon!portal thank you but I was morbidly curious about the chest… And frankly? the prospect of maybe, after grinding this quest twenty more times or so, getting a new 5* dragon is somewhat dimmed by the whole “there is no way to ascend new dragons without paying or waiting, oh, maybe another year or whatever”

Probably, when this inevitably returns. will just see how well autoplaying low levels work so I can play this about as much as the rest of the dragon!copypasta, i.e. almost not at all manually.


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(post deleted by author)

Yeah, well…

Event is not bad. I think it’s the most fun I’ve had in DS (which is not much saying). But if rewarding will continue like this (mostly referring to items/materials)…

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