📯 Map Teams, Strategy, Gameplay & Feedback – Season 3 (Valhalla)

This thread is to provide information on Season 3 Gameplay and Provinces, and for discussion about strategy for beating Season 3 Map Stages, and progressing through the Provinces.

:triangular_flag_on_post: WE Costs

The first Provinces seen in Beta so far had the same WE costs as Season 2.

Each of the first 4 Provinces is 6 WE for Normal Stages, and 10 WE for Hard Stages.

:muscle: Normal & Hard Mode

:hammer: Valhalla Coins

:zap: Runic Rocks

NOTE: The status effects from Runic Rocks were changed during Beta to different types than existing ones, in order to make them stackable with similar effects from existing Heroes.

@cap’s Great Infographic Version

:dizzy: Realm Bonuses

Much like the Season 3 Heroes, some Season 3 enemies have a Realm Bonus.

@cap’s Guide

Additional information from @DaveCozy:

:link: Related Threads


[placeholder comment for polls :slight_smile: ]



That’s my team. It is my own favorite raid team and does me well through those stages!

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@BarryWuzHere do you have the data for exp and monster count each stage?


I already died on 1-7 with a 3850 team… =/ SG really should make the grind through the stages a lot less time consuming :s

What do you suggest, loot ticketing stages that you haven’t even done yet?!! The whole game is a grind.

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They’re working hard on it :slight_smile:

Data has been pouring in for province 1, some province 2 & a little bit of province 1 hard.

Just takes time as it relies on people playing the stages thru and passing along the data to compile.


A grind is ok when it takes weeks or months, but only a few minutes/seconds of your time per day.

720 stages each taking 10 minutes of active play? No thanks. They can make it hard to beat for auto, but at least strengthen mobs’ attack and lower their hp so that the stages can be cleared faster with active play.

Where the data can be seen? Exp is not random, so only 1 run is enough.

It’s being collected in a Line group, and will be updated on Barry Farmz Here -- Comprehensive data driven farming guide for Season 3, Season 2, Season 1, Elemental Chests, Atlantis Rises, Missions, and more


It’s not only the xp, loot/item/mat drops, iron, food, recruits, etc.

Average the numbers out and figure out what it all says about what you get for completing a level.

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I just need the exp to calculate my level up time, it seems to be around 360/flag.

Autoplaying with this team… Finished first 2 provinces so far.
EDIT: Only playing on normal for now.

Just to encourage lower level players, I autoplay province 1 stages 1-9 (didn’t dare to try against elite enemys) losing just once (stage 6 or 7, not sure, the boss was the deer like animal). I used this team

Boril still rocks at smashin boss faces with his shield, only for that I’ll never regret ascending him.
I played normal, though.


Using my old playbook of S2 Hard, but this time the 2 riposte are maxed instead of just 3/60 and the middle healer is replaced by 3/70 Elena. No problem with the first 2 hard stages without any items.


I’m utterly overwhelmed by how the community has responded to my request for S3 data.

I mean that both in an emotional way and a literal way.

The literal part being I am trying to coordinate the volunteers contributing data who have already uploaded nearly 1000 farming images in less than 12 hours since S3 was released, and @PekaJ is probably even more overwhelmed trying to run the contributed images through OCR.

Give us a few days to sort things out and get some preliminary results!


Got to stage 10 on first lot before being wiped out, using more or less what you have…

Ahem… Province 3 over here just uploaded lol


Back to the game play discussion…

I am using my standard raid defense. Have been autoplaying every other level just to see how far the team will stand up (but also loving the new gameplay).

One new thing about S3, I AM LOVING THE RUNIC ROCKS. the potential to stack damage, def down, etc is a ton of fun and I will probably end up playing around with different teams to maximize its effect.