Make food and Iron quest percentage based

Change quests

I agree.

Creating demand

As @zephyr1 pointed out, Path of Valor contains a cool new item - resource bundle.

Increasing the rewards for the quests would reduce the player interest in the resource bundles from Path of Valor.

This is similar to a free version of a crossword puzzle game having advertisements and the subscription version removing advertisements as one of multiple upgrades for your money. If the Devs remove advertisements from the free version, it reduces the demand for the subscription.

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I am at the point now where food and iron from quests mean very little. I mainly look forward to the gems and recruits, and the odd token comes in handy. I still dutifully complete most all quests but not in expectation of needing the reward anymore.

Path of Valor will be the same for me unless they have other needed items as part of the loot. Yeah, just something to do and gain XP.

Perhaps the food/iron/resources quest rewards could be replaced with the resource bundles that are coming out as a part of PoV.

Could you please consider making food quest in percentages instead of fixed number :thinking:
The more you progress in the game, the more food storage you get and the more you need it.
Just a suggestion. image

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