Mai's Guide to Efficient Farming – List of best lvls to farm monster, different resources, wanted missions and XP

Welcome back. I have used your farming template extensively. Thank you


Welcome back :slight_smile:


The biggest problem I guess is data are not correct anymore: I’ve just ran several times 8-7, and I’ve got like 5 items instead of 17-20 which is totally out of proportions - which means the loot was probably revamped, and it’s possible half of data you have from previous tests can be trashed.


I think you miss understood what items means. Items is the chest icon in the top of the screen when you are fighting monsters. It’s the sum of recruits + materials. Maybe Barry knows by now, but I’m not sure if the code rolls these two separately or in the same “slot”. But since the game DOES add them together in the middle of the lvl, I decided long ago to keep it that way. (Also I makes easier for me, since I don’t have to count materials.)


I tried to figure exactly what was counted there a year ago or more and found myself confused, and got distracted.

My sheet tracks all items, recruits, heroes, and troops separately. I’ve found that for a given level, recruits are a fixed number +/-1, and so are total crafting mats and total ascension mats, although those vary by province, not by level. Which specific mats you find are RNG based, and the odds vary a bit by province.

Since that total number of items reported isn’t on the final loot screen, my dataset doesn’t have it, and I never tried to decode it properly.


The number of loot refers to the following number:

Which is basically the sum total of the individual loots + the number of recruits (6+9 = 15, in this case).


Thank you Barry and thank you Mai! You are both great! I appreciate the info you have shared, it has helped immensely.


I just realized it was using comma instead of point for decimals. Just 3 years using the sheet in Portuguese, haha. It’s showing in English now. Phew

If you notice some other mistake I appreciate the heads up.


Merci pour l’info, je vais tester et si ça marche vraiment tu auras répondu à une question que je me pose depuis un bon moment :wink:

Red monsters 6-8 misleading … Waist of WE for 1 monster

This is an outdated list - I refer to the following thread for current data:


According to my calculations season 3 level 10-9 affords 394XP per world energy. 2365 ~ 6.

I cannot tell if my jpeg actually uploaded. Regardless, I suggest you try it to confirm my calculations for yourself.

Check out Barry’s guide. It’s more up to date.


I’m not sure what you will to focus, but I guess if it is experience per flag, S3-10-10 is better and the maximum option for S3, but still below S1-23-11.


And yes, this thread is outdated.


Right, S3 10-10N gives 2370 XP at 6 WE, which is 395 per WE. As @jinbatsu said that’s well below S1 23-11, except during Valhalla Forever, when it’s at 790 per WE (at 3 WE per run). I believe during Valhalla Forever, S3 10-10N yields the best XP per WE in any of the map levels, second only to Level 3 Rare in Challenge events (except Villains).

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Of course… and Atlantise Rise S2-9-10N is better then S1-23-11.
And later on at S4 special event… :wink: :ok_hand:


1.23.11 gives 405exp per flag. Is just above 3.10.10 not well above. More other loot in 3.10.10 makes it better when farming. 3.10.8/9 are easier to autofarm however

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I have been using E&P - Loots and Stats sheet for a long time (mostly for different purposes than Barry’s sheet). Recently I noticed that there are errors, especially in Season 3 data. (And yes, I noticed that there are many reports about similar things above.)

So basically I was wondering, the spreadsheet seems to have updated quite recently, so is there an attempt to fix errors? Or should it be considered outdated and forgotten?

An example of error: Wave counts for several Season 3 levels are wrong, e.g, Province 1 level 5 is stated as 3, although it has 4 waves. E&P – Loots and Stats - Google Sheets

Thank you Mai anyway for amazing sheet / guide.

Does anyone have an indication of good levels to farm troops in S3 or S4?

@VECTOR_OMEN …… S3: 4-5 normal is fine for troops
Good luck

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