Magni or Alasie

Hey all! I currently have both Magni and Alasie sitting at 3-70 and am 2 telescopes away from taking one of them to last ascension. I was curious to hear opinions concerning which to max first.

I’ve noticed many players are partial to the heroes they own and have maxed, so I’m especially interested to hear from players who have both Magni and Alasie. But even if you have only one, feel free to comment.

I am also interested in hearing my fellow players’ takes on the relative strengths and weaknesses of each as well as what heroes they like to group them with, if any. Many thx, all… :smiley:

Always best to search to see if there is an existing thread on your topic before posting a new one :slight_smile:

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Still relevant even if it’s 10+ years old.

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Thanks mates :smiley: