Viscaro was my first 5* fiend hero. On my way to ascend him, I pulled Lu Bu who got higher priority. Now when Viscaro stays at 2-57, I got Senan. I do have enough tabards for one but should I use that for any of them? Senan is a faster and more offensive comparing to Viscaro but Viscaro’s fiend is the more annoying especially coupled with his passive. Any advice? Who Should I ascend or just wait? BTW, I do have enough emblems for Senan but not for Viscaro.
I personally rarely have trouble with Senan; Viscaro’s fiends are much harder to deal with. Even bringing the 4* WoK healer who removes fiends is no guarantee, if you can’t get the tiles. But that’s my two cents.
I have Senan. I maxed Senan. I use Senan. I love Senan. However, Viscaro and Lu Bu’s fiends offer a little something extra and do a higher percentage of damage each turn. Yes, Senan is quicker but Viscaro and Lu Bu have better fiends in my opinion.
If I had this headache I would’ve probably done what you have done and do Lu Bu First (But I do have other W3K heroes). Then I would likely do Viscaro and Senan last… Unless I had another 5* Slayer to pair him with (Which I do not…)
Just one gamer’s opinion
Game well
I have Lu Bu and use him all the time, I wouldn’t be afraid to do him first and not look back.
Lu bu is maxed and fully emblemed. Still not sure if I need to LB him or not as other option is Bera.
I am just debating if I should do Viscaro or Senan first or do nothing because I already had Lu Bu maxed.
Got ya, I have Lu Bu broken also, no regrets. Don’t know if you have better purple options to LB. That being said with Lu Bu maxed. I would maybe wait a bit on Vis and Sen.
Thanks! Likely, I am going to LB Lu Bu as he needs extra protection since he is slow.
Lu Bu is a nasty m’fer. Why SG buffed him, I have no idea. But he hits hard and his fiends prevent any kind of buffs. Unfortunately, his fiends are on the Kate Moss side.
Viscaro’s fiends are thicc.
I would do a VIscaro too.
Reason 1: Lu Bu and Viscaro synergise very well together. Both charge at the same time (11/12 tiles, or 9 with Xnol) and if you fire Viscaro first you protect Lu Bu’s minions so that it takes 2 or 3 heals to shake them loose. That should be more than enough time for them to starve the opponent of all buffs and give yourself a major advantage. They will also slowly whittle down the opponent.
Reason 2: Viscaro is actually a really good minion summoner and healer counter - even better vs minion summoning healers such as DIaochan, Dr Zuri, Mother North etc. Don’t overlook that passive fiend generator - set up with the right team he will eventually kill a corner Mother North which means that you can target other high threat heroes. Or a Diaochan in tank position. The minion bypass hit is also an advantage vs minion heavy teams.
IMHO Viscaro is the best HOTM to come out in the last 1.5 to 2 years
My vote for Viscaro. He is great against minion summoners, and his fiends are so powerful that they take away all the healing from even the strongest healers. Against HOT cards, his minions just are perfect.
I use him regularly against minion/ passive teams that rely on minion spamming and on rush setup.
My only fiend hero is Viscaro. I love him Vs the likes of LotL. So much fun just watching her minions disappear.
If I do have time and resources, I would love to level up all three of them. Would love to see how the fiend summoners trio work together offensively.