🐼 Lu Bu – 5* Dark / Purple from War of the Three Kingdoms

Quintus would say “hell yeah”!


Worth the tabs? ⇨ in general, yes absolutely.

Still worth the tabs when starting to compare against other purple heroes? ….Maaah maybe.

Having only 6 tabs and having a specific roster and having a specific play style, still worthy?? ⇨ maaaaaahhhh bigger maybe.

You know what I’m referring to. Of course it’s a good hero but using very rare items for ascension always depends on many factors.


I think he is great hero especially in very fast tournaments or war

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Vs a buff heavy team with no healers and no fiend counters? Build a team geared a bit towards survivability and he will permanently shut down all buffs from the opponent, in addition to the big hit and whittling damage. That’s huge.

If you have Xnol or other mana boosters then there is an even bigger case for him.

He is on my to-do list straight after I finish diaochan.


Good thing about him is that buff blocker paired with fiends, so fire him at right moment and HoT heroes are now completely useless (he reduces Lidenbrock on her 200HP initial heal, which is not enough to get rid of his fiends). With correct team he’ll be also a bit faster, and it can be really nasty in VF wars …

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Very good vs the right team…

Note: It works against paladin defense up talent. I wonder if it would work against dodge and revive, probably not…


Which is better at this point? Lu or Viscaro?

Hard for me to say as I have Lu Bu at 3/70 and Viscaro max emblemed. I would probably say they are each better vs different team configs - however, I have found that they have really good synergy together especially if you also have Xnol or another mana up. With Xnol I can fire both at 9 tiles and I make sure to fire Viscaro first so that his minions protect Lu Bu’s minions if there is an enemy healer.

If you can only go with one I would probably say Viscaro by an edge as that auto fiend is really, really good


lu bu as he hits harder


I have both Lu bu and Viscaro. It is hard to say who is better. But I do agree that these two have some synergy when using together. I plan to max both of them and put some emblems but properly not LB just yet C Killhare needs that extra boost more.

Happy gaming!

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Lu is better. Hands down. Better stats. MUCH harder hit. Better fiends and those fiends are sooo much more impactful than Viscaros. Go Lu Bu every time.


I dont agree with you about it being clear cut
Stats and harder hit - lu bu for sure
Auto fiend - a huge advantage to viscaro
Fiend efectiveness - lu bus fiends have the better effevr but wont survive on their own if there is a healer on the defense.viscaros fiends are heftier
Minion pierce - viscaros hit avoids minions which has a lot more value than you would think

  • passives - both of viscaros passives are good. Alfrike wont affect him and neither will beras poison effects

I think viscaro is better vs a minion and healer heavy defense and lu bu is better in other situations

How does he prevent Alfrike’s skill?

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Through the special ability that I just made up :smiley:
Sorry got that mixed up with Hanitra I think

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I’ve faced Lu Bu as a tank on regular defense. If he’s allowed to fire it is really problematic to get back on him. Also, his fiends block buffs so no getting cute with HoT as that is blocked too, meaning only regular healing can get rid of his fiends. He’s different from Viscaro though: both are better in different situation. I think Lu Bu is slightly more versatile because of that buff blocker while Viscaro will be more useful against summoners.


Lu bu xnol and viscaro really work well together. I think lu bu will be my next ascension, 5 tabards away


I finally have Lu Bu at max with Limit Break and sincere impressed with his useage and intensive powers. Coming from a maxed LB Senan holy cow! Truly next level and kinda blown here. He will definately be the tank of choice in next Beta 100 war as they have Beta 100 war bonus. Seems like they are making very desirable heros for specific useage and future synergy. Happy gaming!


Came here for this. I have Senan at +20 and LB. Been very happy with him. But Lu Bu seemed like he could be better. I think he is my next project.

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Have Lu Bu at 3/70. Everyone still fell he is worth the Mats with the new heroes out there? I don’t really have a purple for Rush. Other option is to LB Ingolf or Ascend Viscaro.

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he is slow. if u patient enough with slow hero then okay. but i prefer fast or average mana hero.

between him or viscaro, i choose lu bu, he is stronger. and lu bu has combined abilities of chakky + viscaro

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