Losing gems for no reason

I am an experienced player but the last 2 days at least I have noticed my gems going down for no reason.I know gem costs but I see my numbers going from 700 down to 600.approx 15 orc20 a time.

Do you see anything unusual in the Recent activity ?

Do you have picture proof? Also, could you post a picture of your “Recent Activity” under the support tab in the game? That may help see where they may be going.

I have checked recent activity that just shows gained things.An hour ago I had 709 gems and now have 694.I have 2 builds that have 3 days left so haven’t speeded anything up.Last night I had 200 and some gems and noticed it went to 100 and something.

Maybe you skipped some monster or raid chests :slight_smile:

Sadly without some kind of proof, it’s just hearsay. Have you tried to put a ticket in with support? They may keep better logs to help with this.


This isn’t court.I am fully aware of what evidence means.Ive just noticed a ■■■■ up on my account.I spend enough money on the game so I thought I would try and see what the issue is. A few gems isn’t a big deal but thought someone could tell me why its happening.

No one said it was court, I was merely offering help (like you are wanting) but you’ve apparently done all that I’ve offered. As mentioned, a ticket to support appears to be your best option.

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My bet is you’re choosing the extra alkashards in AL. The button to do that is in the location you’d normally accept things.

And I wish recent activity ALWAYS showed gem transactions (either way), but it doesn’t. I accidentally accelerated training on a second account once, and it was never shown in recent activity.

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I don’t use Alchemy Lab at all.

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