NORTH OF THE LORDS - fun, friendly, and active

We’re all-in on the playaparttogether initiative and wanted to share our entries in the epfanartcontest

Please scroll to the bottom of this thread for the latest team opening.

First is a Sneak Peak at the front & back cover art for our next record.
(- taps mic - vinyl records? remember those? :grin:)

Lords Of The North II
“Titan Killer”
Available soon from a dwarf trader near you.

Lords Of The North II album cover art - PlayApartTogether Alliance Recruitment Ad Contest -Front

Lords Of The North II album cover art - PlayApartTogether Alliance Recruitment Ad Contest -Back

And then we also have an entry in the poetry category.
This is our creation story, just as it happened, recorded for the history books in rhyme & meter:

The Ballad of The Lords Of The North II
A True Story

If you fancy stories of triumph and grit
Slow down for a moment and come have a sit
And hear of the batch
Created from scratch
In search of a much better fit

A small group of fighters, effective and deft
Who gave every battle their bravery’s best
Were stuck in a clan
Without any plan
Whose leadership seemingly left

A goal was proposed to go make a fresh start
And launch a new squad based on courage and heart
The idea was plain:
To find real gain
These renegades soon would depart

Just two months ago, now it’s been almost three
A plan went in motion with all who agreed
And our founders struck out
Fed up with the drought
Of old leaders non activity

A team was established, not large but intent
On building upon what they’ve all underwent
With fun at the center
Of this new adventure
‘Active but chill’ is what we’d represent

The battle flag planted, our spirits were hearty
Time to call others to come join the army
“If you love the fight,
Whatever your might,
You’re welcome, dear soldier, beside me”

The reason we formed would catch great attention
From others caught up in the same situation
Our origin tale
Of leadership fail
Was theirs too, many would mention

The first group was six, and then came five more
Many lone wolves also knocked on the door
Then a four-person fam
Rolled up in a van
Seeking more action than what came before

Others had stories of opposite relish
Their alliance had gotten just too overzealous
The grind had no buffer
Their happiness suffered
They just want to play, they would tell us

There were new players, mid games, a few two-year vets
A cross-cut of gamers and levels, and yet
We all came to play
So don’t get in the way
Or then you’ll know why we’re a threat

We’re proud our development came in defiance
Of ‘required minimums’ leaderboard guidance
And happily grew
From out of the stew
Of languishing zombie alliances

So went the rise of The Lords Of The North
By basing a player’s most valuable worth
Not just in their stats
Or time in combat
But their love of the game going forth

And if you see yourself in our birds of a feather
You’re welcome to join us regardless of whether
You’re new or you’re old,
As long as you’re bold,
We can all play apart but together

Thanks for checking us out! Remember to “watch” this thread if you’d like to be first in line for the next opening. Take care of yourselves, stay safe, stay home, and keep on gamin’.

And support your community artsy folk by taking a stroll through the Fan Art Contest submission thread - maybe spread some likes around while you’re at it, there are so many good ones you might even run out!