We’re a new alliance that split from the old group about a month ago to be a new and more active group. War optional, if you’re in war, then use all 6 flags. Minimum of 5-6 titan flags or more would be appreciative. We’re using green tanks for war.
Our titans are usually 6-7 stars. 6 being easy, 7 being moderate challenge, and we sometimes face an occasional 8 star. Our highest record was 9 star Kraken. Right now we’re on 8 star Venomtail Dragon with 19 hours of spawn time left. We could probably sustain around 9 star range if we had more players to join us on titans.
We’re currently 12/30 so we have 18 spots open. Our levels range from 37 to 65, with one being level 24 who is still trying to get the hang of everything.