Lords of Calamity is still looking for new recruits

We’re a new alliance that split from the old group about a month ago to be a new and more active group. War optional, if you’re in war, then use all 6 flags. Minimum of 5-6 titan flags or more would be appreciative. We’re using green tanks for war.

Our titans are usually 6-7 stars. 6 being easy, 7 being moderate challenge, and we sometimes face an occasional 8 star. Our highest record was 9 star Kraken. Right now we’re on 8 star Venomtail Dragon with 19 hours of spawn time left. We could probably sustain around 9 star range if we had more players to join us on titans.

We’re currently 12/30 so we have 18 spots open. Our levels range from 37 to 65, with one being level 24 who is still trying to get the hang of everything.

If you would be open to a potential merge, please pm me at:

Ice Saber

We’re a small family looking to fill.
Fun, active, stable.
Hope to hear from you soon.

How would the merge work? How many people do you have with you?

Message me on line and we can share & compare and see if we can work something out. I’d rather be slow and steady and look for best fit and solutions. :grin:

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