Lord loki special skill is blocked when hero is blocked

Doesn’t MA automatically fire when mana is full even on offense?

I suppose the question is: Is Mindless Attack a status effect?

It changes the hero’s Special Attack but then what Lord Loki sees to copy is the Changed Special, NOT the original special. So, really, it does seem to be working as intended.

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Yes, but on defense they didn’t have to code that specially because defense always fires automatically at full mana.

I tested lord Loki with three different heroes that affect mana generation of the enemy and these are the results:

  • Zocc: I cast Zocc mindless attack first and then lord Loki hurt himself when I used his special attack against the same enemy.

  • Hansel and Proteus: I cast their special attacks first but lord Loki DIDN’T attack himself. He just cast the enemy’s special attack.

IMO, it’s a bit tricky. :dizzy_face:

There is no reason for Lord Loki to attack himself after Proteus attacks. With Hansel he should have damaged himself if mana was full within 3 turns.

I think a lot are missing things here. ONLY mindless attack changes the special . Loki copies specials. So only mindless attack will backfire like that. Easy solution, don’t cast on an enemy under mindless attack.


When Loki 1 copies Alfrikes “Cube of Dark Realm” Loki fires Cube of Dark Realm and hits Alfrike.

After that Alfrike’s special changes to “Mindless Attack” (there is no ailment or whatsoever, the special changes).

So when Loki 2 copies Alfikes, Loki actually copies “Mindless Attack”. Since Loki copied that and his mana bar is full, he attacks a random ally.

Solution: Don’t cast Loki on a opponent whose special has changed to Mindless Attack.


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This issue was alredy mentioned in topic about Lord loki specials. Topic was closed without any response or comment from staff. But this issue should be fixed. Herroes whose specials are to cast he mindless attacks simply override specials of target although the mindless attack is an ailments and not an special. And heroes like Alfrike, Merlin or Zocc has specials to cast the mindless attacks, not “override targets specials to…”. I belive (and it was mentioned before) it was done because it was easy to code this way and was done before hero like Lord Loki was introduced. Now they have to fix that code and set it up right way, not cheap way.

That is your belief. Old players have the contrary belief as well. We already knew how Mindless Attack works when we have obtained, leveled and maxed Merlin from the Avalon portal years ago. Though the skill description does not procedurally say it, but that is how it works, unless it is blocked, resisted or withstood due to talents and/or skills.

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I think Loki is working just fine, he is copying the Mindless Attack.

I don’t speak cirillic languages, but second Loki"s attack shows a different skill name when activated, and I’m pretty confident the word “ataka” means “attack”, so it’s actually telling you which “special skill” is copying.

What do you mean “old players”? I play 3 years but I am 40 years old, am I considered to be “old player” or young? Lol. Anyway, you can’t say for all “old players " what they believe in. And it has nothing to do with Marlins obtaining and leveling. As soon as his specials have right outcome, nobody would mind how it is coded though it is totally against description. But if follow your logic they should set all ailments as a change to specials. Like " deals 100% damage and receives 300 burns damage”. And they did not do that just because that couldn’t be triggered by targets full mana. Players don’t have to check how each hero sets. Most just look on card and see how it should work. And if it works deferently it has to be reflected in card.

Lord Loki should be fixed! He should always copy the ORIGINAL special skill of the opponent, not the status effect or ailment! :face_with_monocle:


This isn’t a wholly accurate description of Mindless Attack - yes, it overwrites the skill (and therefore would seem to be what should be copied) but it is NOT a “normal” special skill for the defense, in that, unlike normal special skills, your opponents fire on your (the attacker’s) turn.

Consider the following: Dispelling war. Buff’s dispell at the end of your (the attacker’s) turn, from everyone on the field, so it is USUALLY a waste of time to cast debuffs on your enemies just before the dispell effect takes place… unless you are casting MA on an enemy that has full mana, or whose mana will fill up on your turn (again, you being the attacker). If you do cast MA and fill their mana, then the defense hero will fire their special (MA) and drain their mana, then the effect removal takes place. So, MA ‘seems’ to overwrite the defense’s skills, but it doens’t just replace - it also comes with additional special triggering rules as if it were rather a status effect.

Thus, I think that SG needs to weigh in on what’s going on here - is Loki working as intended, or is MA accidentally triggering.

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Well… I even would not propose to SG to weight it in cz we know old heroes who is not on sale anymore dont weight much. Simply stated - if any negative effect of specials expected it has to be stated in specials. And it usually does. In case with LL, he copies his ally’s negative effect ( not special of hero what stated on card) on enemy and SG intended to make it this way and not to tell about possible negative effect of using hero? I really don’t see it this way. More like bad planning of heroes interaction and rush testing. Special skills it is what is stated on heros card, not the status which were given, doesn’t mater the way it was coded/given.

Well… it seems like as soon as topic about possible need to fix something , Staff gets to memo mode : no need to reply, people type here just to exercise their fingers.

This issue is still occurring with no response from staff. Is this a bug or not?

It’s not a bug.

20 empty bug traps.

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Not staff.

20 useless replys