šŸ“Æ Lord Loki ā€“ New Season 3 Hero ā€“ 5* Ice/ Blue: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Or imagine that Loki is the last survival of your team and you have to face a team in which only remains a defensive hero. :scream:
Iā€™d prefer having his villain swing instead of copying in that moment.

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There was a case where Vivica was the last enemy and Lokki was able only to heal himselfā€¦
Enemy Vivica (slow) vs Lokki-Vivica (Average). The battle was won after long and exhausting tile damage attacks!


Really? :astonished: Well, in a raid itā€™s possible, as the damage increases in every hit at the last minutes, but in a war itā€™d be almost impossible.

To fully utilize Lokki you must level him to 4/80 and give him all the emblems (making him a super tank!). Not only to copy enemyā€™s abilities but also to survive and be able to hit hard!


I find this guy a lot less practical than I thought he would be. He definitely has the fun factor but I very rarely find him advantageous in raids. So far, his best role is an Alfrike counter.

Being able to copy any special is great, but in reality you can see this loses a lot of utility when you cannot choose who that special will hit.

He reminds of a new shiny rumplestiltskin in that in theory his abilities are great but you can never really depend on him.

He will age well as new heroes get way stronger but I find him significantly less useful in reality than in theory.


Agree with you, nice gimmick, but reality it doesnā€™t quite hit the spot

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He is great agains slow AoL heroes and healers. If you donā€™t have Alberich, Mother North or Heimdall, you can use Loki on them.

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he is also team dependant on his performance, the more powerful the enemy team the more powerful he is. but the same could be said otherwise against a barebones team like a group full of snipers, or if the healer is left. I also find his versatility to be a double edged sword at times when it comes to team synergy. By using him youā€™re using up a slot in place of another possible hero that would have better for your team combination. Which is why heā€™s quite difficult to put into a team at times

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He is unfortunately the poor manā€™s P2P. If you already have a deep bench, he is really redundant. He is what I call a trial version for people who doesnā€™t have those powerful heroes to use.

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ā€¦in wars, raids, and tournaments

You certainly can in PvE. When I first saw him in the portal I noticed it specifically did NOT state ā€œenemy targetā€™s Specialā€ so I hoped maybe for the first time they had introduced friendly special targeting and could see people chasing him. It would certainly make him more appealing.

Just another failure on clarityā€¦

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Exactly, I donā€™t have the super mega heroes like Telluria, Mother Earth, GM, Black Knightā€¦
but Lokki gives you a taste of having them!

Actually he is a ā€œchameleonā€ hero, copying his surrounding (enemy) heroes, if they are super mega heroes, you become one for a while!


My bad - I meant you can never target an ally with your special skill.

And Iā€™m happy he canā€™t. That would be to much. Heā€™s still a great hero - Iā€™ve been bringing him to every raid recently. If it wasnā€™t for him Iā€™d lose so many times.

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I personally use him in every raid attack. He makes them easier and funnier, even though you canā€™t obviously depend on him only. He made some battles really interesting, and I won them while this would have been impossible without him. He is a nice unique addition in this game.

Being able to use lady of the lake for the first time is so satisfying, she is what Iā€™ve always imagined she would be, glorious

Just got him, how are you guys embleming him? All attack and defense?

I did mine mostly defence and health because I believe he is to copy the enemyā€™s support skills instead, so I made him slightly tankier. Plus he already has jinx so it would compensate for the attack loss

Donā€™t know why pp complain about him? I think players with big rosters might find him just average compared to other blue heroes :face_with_monocle:
Yes, the only downside is that we cannot choose a target to hit with that special, but thatā€™s what makes him balanced. He is very useful for FTP/CTP players. As for me, I only have 6 maxed blue heroes and I find him fun and amazing. He has saved me a lot of times.

I think people mostly complain about him on Def because he is unreliable. And if you already have a deep roster, then heā€™s really redundant. Which is why I believe his real position is on defence

Hmā€¦ I get your argument but at the same time I have to say, it highly depends on your hero selection.

From your point of few he might be not that adventagous compared to your other heroes but keep in mind that your favorite attack team is Ariel, GM, Finley, BK, Cobald. Thatā€™s basically an A+ A+ A++, A+, A++(+) attack Team.

In that case nearly no hero is, in any form, adventagous to what you can bring.

Most of the people playing that game havenā€™t got 1/10 of your possibilities so that Loki and especially his diversity would be extremely good to have an easily an A+ hero in their roster

So, again, I am not saying that you are wrong in anyway, I just wanted to say, that you might judge him from a perspective of an extremely fortunate player.


Fair point well made, my friend.

Loki perhaps shines best at allowing others to use the specials of heroes not on their team :ok_hand:t2:. Heā€™s also really satisfying against Alfrike :grin: