Loot chests get poorer and poorer

same with me too…

Same here, when I see a coloured chest pop up I don’t even bother filling it quickly cause I know it’s just going to be another E&P Crap Slap to the face.

Man, I don’t know. I know I read that it matters not what I put in the monster chest, but it really seems that the more powerful the monster I put in the 100th spot in the chest, the better the loot. I’ve been running 20-4 for the final fill for a week now. If one of the first 3 waves have the 100th monster I get 20k/50k food/iron. If it is a boss monster on the 4th wave I get 30/70. And the other items seem slightly better as well. Perhaps I’ve just caught a long series of coincidences, but it just keeps happening. And I haven’t seen a crappy 20k/20k 3 gem chests since I started filling last with 20-4

I can’t say if loot from chests or loot drops in general are more poor. But I’m certainly of the opinion that they are terrible, period. I’ve been playing since Oct 27, daily, all day every day.

I push chests forward regularly. So much that I average an elemental chest every 7.4 days, no exaggeration. In this amount of time, I’ve not gotten a single Tome drop from diamond chests to 12* Titans grading A.

It’s really depressing to know that the only way I’m getting a Tome or D-blade thus far is from quests should/when they arise or purchase. To add insult to injury, looking at +50 5* with several of them awaiting tomes really makes me want to walk away.

I know, I know, woe is me. But it’s frustrating and we gotta vent sometimes, even if no one is willing to hear it.

Has to said that loot over the last 3 months is definitely getting worse. I used to regularly get 3* ascension mats and sometimes 4*, now i get diddly squat. Even titan chests and war chests give very little now.
I know, i know… RNG, all in our heads, blah blah…

Doesn’t Matter wich chest i remember 9 Month ago i got Rings from Ad. It took me 9 month to get 6 Mystic Rings from wich i bought 3 of them “not” cheap - oh wait three 5* Heroes wait so in 3 yrs then…

Yes its frustrating

Nearly 90% i get such crap


Actually lots of people are willing to hear it and commiserate. Everyone has gone through AM droughts at least once if they’ve been playing for any length of time. Staring at heroes you just can’t level is maddening. The lack of one particular AM (and the surplus of another) is so common as to be almost a running joke.

Compasses are my current “where the heck are they?” item. I’ve got 10 fine gloves and 1 compass. Super helpful, right?


Am I the only one that is getting this awesome loot from chest!

That looks exactly like what I get from chests

wow, you’re lucky you get such great loot /s

Here’s mine from this morning:

Yep, all typical chest loot for everyone.

I made a thread about this complaining about loot about a month ago too… My worst is 1 gem. Literally that’s it. But since I complained I guess I have to post the good ones. Here’s a titan chest plus tournament loot and the troop coin was from titan. I also got gloves from a mystic vision. Quite a day. But normally it looks like the others here, one gem, rope, leaves, junk. I got A+ on rare titan and got Nothing too. But today was good so I’ll take it.