Looking to recruit up to 8 players

Hi all
HamNation is looking to recruit following a small family group leaving us. We currently have 8 spaces and are welcome to a merger with a small alliance who are struggling to recruit.
We are a friendly bunch, most of us are over lvl 70, and the majority of us have been in the alliance for 3-4 years or more.
We don’t have loads of rules, but we have kicked a couple of people recently for continuous 0’s on titans.
War is optional, but all flags must be used if you opt in

That’s it!
We use Discord, but you don’t need to, it is optional.

We have recently been chaining 14* titans, and we win more wars than we lose.

Come and see what we’re about and if you like it ( you will :grin:) then you can stay.
Thanks for looking :+1:t2:

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