Looking for recruits

Hey All!
I’m new to the community, but not the game. Only this past 6 months I’ve realized the strategy of the game and became a more serious player. Being in charge of my alliance has fallen into my lap fairly recently. I had boot many players due to three months or more of inactivity.

I’m trying to build up my alliance, and I’m looking for some new teammates that can help us as a team grow as well as individual players. My player name, is Crusher and our team is called Nights Army. If you’re interested in joining and helping build players individually and the alliance together, you are very welcome.

Thanks in advance

I realized that’s your nick sounds familiar.
And I wasn’t wrong, so I’ve just revenged out of turn :smiley:

Welcome to forum and good luck :slight_smile:

Ha ha good job. Are you on a team? I’m looking for people to join my team and grow collectively. You’ve got a good chance to be a top earner for loot. As we build ourselves up.

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