Looking for recruits for a learning alliance

We do strongly suggest installing the line app for communication with the alliance.
Have fun, ask any questions, participate against Titans, and in war. (Or opt out prior to prep day).
If a total of 3 of those are missed or you dont log in for 5 consecutive days you will be removed.
We want active players, of course family is always first.
If you must have an absence please communicate prior to a war or titan battle through the line app ( with exception of an emergency) so we are aware you will not be around with the leader or co-leaders.
We do have a few other requirements.
We do require at least 200 trophies
We do require Line app
We do require daily participation.
We do have fun and we chat regularly.
We do teach!
We are fighting 5,6,7* titans
Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
We would like for you to join and have fun.
We look forward to seeing your request.
Our Leader is Tranquil Ataxia
We have a few openings.
Happy Empiring!!!