boats and hose is looking for committed new friends to join us with:
Team Power 3200+ and about 2000 trophies+
We’re largely active but understand if life and work get in the way. We look to overall and consistent contributions in the War and for Titans.
That’s one of our key strengths.
You’ll be joining a pretty lively, chatty and team-oriented community.
You’ll have access to a diverse range of friendly characters such as
Shalazandra the chatterbox who loves to give help and feedback
helpful key members like (but not limited to:) Pumba, Hapa, Son of Aragorn, Bitsy, oop1…
heavy hitter captain mcdangle
… and of course there’s me, I’m always happy to help where I can!
Alliance name: boats and hose
Leader: HapaGirl58
Look forward to seeing you soon
4 spots open now!!
I’m not in boats and hoses , but @FrenziedEye is a forum regular who is very helpful and engaged, and has useful insights.
I’m quite sure that anyone considering this alliance will find it lives up to the lively, chatty, and team-oriented community that was promised.
That’s very kind of you @zephyr1 , thank you. You are very helpful yourself as are most people on here
January 17, 2019, 2:01am
If only i wasn’t arleady committed lol
Haha @Rigs .
Positions are still open everyone!
Bump, positions still open
Hello looks awesome but we are 2 me and my sister she’s quite new to the game just at 2100 team power and 900 trophies I’m at 3400tp /2100trps bit more if I put in aegir !! But he’s benched !! Due to every Aegir I encounter in raids even 4/80 I beat !! But I would love to change alliance mine is always letting 6* titans escape
What do you think !!
Sounds good, look forward to seeing you and your sis @Luckyclover666 !! at boats and hoses
Bump, positions still available all!
Boats and hoses is still happy to accept more adventurers
Another shout out to all enthusiastic adventurers
January 24, 2019, 5:04am
The forum limits the same person from replying to or bumping the same thread more than 4 or 5 times in a row without someone else replying.
So I’m replying to reset the count before you hit it.
Good luck with recruiting!
1 Like
We changed our name to boats and hose
A reference to the movie Step brothers, which I’ve never seen nor do I know what the reference entails
February 5, 2019, 3:18pm
@FrenziedEye If you are still looking, I’ve been playing about 6 months, 2100ish trophies depending on morning/evening and overnight raiding. I field a 3300+ war team and hold my own with titans and war. We currently have about 8 hours left on a titan.
Hey @A.A.ron . Boats and hose would love you aboard, look forward to you joining
1 Like
February 6, 2019, 1:11am
Our war just started, so its Tuesday evening where I am. See you Thursday morning if its still available.
Yes still available, see you soon
Boats and hose looks forward to your coming