Looking for a relaxed and 0 drama alliance

Hello everyone. I’m looking for a relaxed, 0 drama and supportive / talkative alliance.
When i say talkative i mean that the members have some interaction between them.

Regarding war i opt in and use my 6 flags but im lf an alliance where members respect each other , so that a lost war or a bad hit dont mean the end of the world.

Regarding titans, im short of some items to hit the big guys , so i think id rather something between 7-9* .

Here my roster and raid team

Current project

Giving 1* feeders to ulmer for rush tournaments .
2nd Rigard and carver are maxed but leveling their costumes .

Thanks everyone

Pd: Gato and Valen are maxed but dont show properly on the photo

Raid team

From what you’re describing looking for I think we would’ve been a good fit for you, but we just reached 30 earlier today. If you want us to keep you in mind for next time my line is kiltedexile we hit 11 & 12s when full but we dont have minimum targets just an expectation people try their best.

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Thanks Kilted ! I think that i lean towards smaller titans , maybe 10* at max. It could be a little bit stressful to keep on going the forge production to reach the highest performance with my heroes. This Atlantis rise for some reason wasnt so generous with me regarding mats.
I usually forge bear banners, super mana pots and arrows, personally the time i was hitting 11 and 12 was with the help of tornadoes and time stops to keep my heroes alive

Do you have line?..

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No problem. I know I get the constant need to craft away like a medieval blacksmith…

Yes , i have , we are in contact!

Check out Shop After Dark. We are part of the Shop Family, one of the longest-running houses in the game. Our current range is 7* to 9* on Titans. We do chat in-game but also have a group for our shop as well as one for the whole family in line. We are a sarcastic, fun and maybe a little crazy. :laughing: Contact me in line at jadebutterfly75.

THE SHOP FAMILY are really great…we have 3 shops altogether so as you grow stronger you can move up the shop chain or you can stay depending where you are comfortable. We are talk-a-tive and communicate with each other. We see ourselves more like a family then an Alliance.


if you like the direction we are heading, contact me

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@Lexxtarc you good to close this thread?

@Rook @littleKAF @Guvnor

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Sure ! Thanks for introducing me to the crew

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Darn, missed out on a good player…stupid work! Best of luck Wizard!


Thanks Chadmo ! So nice of you , im still growing my roster and i feel pleased of reading your consideration.



You’re one of the good ones pal. Always enjoy hearing what you have to say on the forums!

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