Looking for a new alliance

Hi there, I need a new alliance. The group I’m in is nice but it is a secondary alliance so I have to move to the main one if requested. At this rate i will never get my needed ascension items because of the penalization time of titan chests.
I hit every day and use all my points.
My team power is currently 2882 and trophies are 1513.
I’m friendly, helpful, and play everyday.
What i’m looking for:
I want to be on a team that regularly takes out 5* or 6* titans without help.
I am looking for an english or spanish or catalan speaking group and would prefer one that is relatively talkative in chat and have a Telegram group for receiving instructions or similar chat app (Line?)

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Join Battle Toads awesome group and kill 7 stars Titan regularly. Tell them Pops sent you that’s the password lol.


Come take a peak, we might be a good fit, however we are new. We are killing 5* without help. We’ve lost a couple of key seasoned players last 12 hours due unhappiness with this challenge so I would appreciate a fair consideration.


If you are still looking for an alliance let me know. We are a very active and organized group that uses the line app. Your team power is right around what we are looking for. Solid 6* and 7* titan group.

Good luck. If anyone reading this post needs an alliance and has a team power 2800+ you can let me know. Download the line app to use as chat.

Please let me know if you found an alliance :slight_smile:

No I did not. Please contact me @line: lady_deth

No I did not. Please contact me @line: lady_deth

Yes i did! Thanks for helping me!

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Yay! Congrats on your new home! :slight_smile:

New alliance the dark knight hawks we have started a new alliance on monday because we wanted an alliance where people play and enjoy playing you are welcome to join

We are a brand new alliance since Monday we got fed up with people who haven’t played for months we are looking for people who are determined to play and progress together you are welcomed to join us the dark knight hawks we are friendly and determined please join

Lady-Deth has found a home. I’m closing this thread. Good luck everyone!