Looking for a casual alliance

Hello all,
I’ve been playing this game for some 6-7 years now and up til recently Wars have been what I have been enyoying the most.

Long story short I just left an alliance that was right outside top 100 and casual a year ago, but wars have become 3 moves to win or 4 moves to loose and it seems like that is the progress of the game in general.

It’s hard to summing everything up without writing a novel, but I am looking for an ally that is active and casual. Number of players are not imprtant, can be anything from 10-30.

If you wanna talk outside the forum we can chat on Line. LineID = BenderWasTaken

Have a nice day,


Please feel free to check 541-Titan Slayers[TFG]

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You can check us up Na Fianna Nua, we have a free slot available for you.

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Crew-Bears might well fit for you. You’re welcome to come over to visit.

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Whether you prefer tacos soft or hard,
Or beer that’s light, dark, or charred,
In our alliance, there’s room for all,
To join the feast, heed the call.
So come forth, brave souls, and take your place,In the Taco’s & Beer alliance’s embrace.Together we’ll eat, drink, and explore,Forever united, forever more!



We’re looking for more players. Our only request is that if you sign up for war, try to use all your flags. We know life happens and sometimes it’s not possible to always be around. We’re pretty chilled and a friendly bunch. Come check us out. Rage 2.0

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Good luck in your search!

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Hello! BMan here, co-leader of Seriously Laidback. We’d be more than happy to have a dedicated player aboard, espscially one who takes part in war and alliance quests. We are a relativelylax abd laidback alliance, as the name suggests; all we ask is what i said above, participation in war if youre opted in and participation in alliance quest. Allianve name is Seriously Ladiback, leader is Goodbarrel. Check us out!

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Long time player getting burnt out by boards that do hit back huh?

We are mostly casual, but consider ourselves casually active. We are pretty Titan first and Wars second. Wars are optional, but asks that all flags to be used if opted in. We currently kill 12* and let 13* and up run, mostly getting the Path of Valor Titan tasks finished for those that cares about this progress. Never had any one fail to collect these Valor points (for those that do care about POV). We have taken down 14* before, but don’t care about chaining them because we don’t all spend and not every one constantly try to resource their way to make that happen, and we are no where near the top in terms of strength.


That’s who we are, check us out if interested.

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Hi at @BenderWasTaken

:star:Apex-predators :star:

alliance on 11* star titans
War is optional ffa (there is a bit of strategy) use your best defence.
Alliance cup we do complete but dont compete.
MT do yah best dont have to go crazy on items.

Basically hit the titan and use war flags.
If you have a any issues just let someone know.


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I posted a week or so ago (edited for space):

Alliance TLD needs new members. We were in the upper 20s, but we’ve had bad attrition and are now at 19/30. No line or discord, not big on pressure, very chill atmosphere; we know the difference between hobby and work. Many/most of us are F2P or C2P. We were at anywhere from 10-12* titans, though loss of personnel has left us in the 8-9 range. Expect that’ll go back up once we get another half dozen hitters. We have been using green tanks, but not welded to it. Effectively no war rules except opting out if you’re not going to use your flags.

We’d love to have you check out the Guardians Family. We have nine alliances- four competitive, two competitive/casual, one casual, one training and one retirement. You’re welcome to check us out, tour our alliances and see if we have what you are looking for. My Line id is ckara7 or you can pop into our training alliance, Guardians Rising Academy. My alt rotates leadership there and will help you. Hope to see you there:)

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