Looking for 4 more members

Alliance : Na Fianna Nua (Means New Warriors)

  • Members : 25/30
  • Cup Requirement : 1800+
  • Language : English
  • Age : 18+
  • Titans : 10-11*
  • Discord Server available.

We don’t require discord, but it’s there for those that want to get more involved, I am always active on there, for those that need a reminder for using war attacks, hitting titans. Life can be crazy we understand if you loose track of time and can provide a friendly reminder. For tips & tricks on challenge events, ninja tower etc. And even just for people that want to socialize more we have a room for sharing music and for sharing your pets :camera:

Our main requirements are:

Please hit the titans as much as possible but we understand if you miss one every so often
Please use all attacks in war if you opted in! Without valid excuse members can/will be kicked and Elders demoted.
We’re free of drama, and we’re here to have fun and enjoy the game

Bump still looking :slight_smile:

Would you be interested in merging with a larger family of alliances? I have 5 or so players looking for a spot. They would like to join our family but room is an issue.

Who is the main alliance??


I have 5 players looking but their requirements dont align up with our openings.


bump, still need 4 more

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