Line id : tonaldoff
We are looking for a small group or an alliance to merge with:
We have actually 9/10 spots available
War hits madatory (if you opt in)
No minimum required for Titan but do the best to bring do the beast ( we decided to kill or let it go at the beginning of the titan)
English speaking
Friendly, up for a chat
Line required to share info, have access to the goat room
Reason for Merge / recruiting :
We never have too much goods friends, can hit bigger titan and war is more fun full.
We have a strong core playing together for years and we had a successful merge. Easy going friendly bunch. We hit around 11/12* titans atm. Easy War strategy but that can be adapted. We went full but lose some member du to RL raison and didn’t recruit until now. Come in try us out and if you need more info, will love to respond to you.