LJ šŸ”Ø- Mighty Brother or Massive Flop? Should I yield the shields?

Little Johnā€™s biggest con is survivability. He canā€™t take many hits before going down, and it doesnā€™t help heā€™s slow either.

However he has the 2nd highest tile damage out of all green 4* heroes, slightly lower than Jack Oā€™ Hareā€™s (by like 5 points, so almost tied). He comes with me for every blue titan fight.

Massive chop is devastating in raids, campaign maps, and against the titan; -64% mana generation is very crippling, you can set off combos with little fear of charging any special attacks.

The closest comparison to me is Skittleskull; heā€™s a lot like her for being fragile and slow. However, I think his special attack has a much more desirable effect, and his tile damage also being a bit higher makes him better in my eyes.

EDIT; my blue titan team:

Little John | Gadeirus | Melendor | Grimm | Wu Kong

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Glass cannon

I agree

Original Wu Kong glass cannon cascade squad

I would be hesitant to run most 4* glass cannons without double healers.

Since my main team is four glass cannons and one corner anchor, I run double healers.

Little John is even more attack heavy than Melendor/ Sabina so also more fragile.

Luckily 4* healers are some of the most powerful in the game post class quests. They let you get the high matching/ tile/ board damage of a glass cannon but still keep them alive.

Hansel, Proteus, Little John- together they fight crime

I regret not leveling Little John earlier but with the original Revenge bar it seemed better to level faster/ non attack all heroes for war.

Having Hansel 4*+1 and Proteus 4*+8 have taught me how important mana control is for waves with multiple bosses. Which often are the stages with the really good guaranteed loot ( emblems, non farmable ascension items, avatars, dragon bones, String, etc.)


My opinion: LJ will serve you well since you need him in two very specific circumstances 1) War Depth 2) Very Fast Raid Tournament

In War even if dead before firing you have excellent tile damage in your favor. If LJ lives to fire you probably will win the battle.

LJ is a monster with the very fast rules for Raid Tournaments. We only saw one and it allowed 4*, someone with more insights can tell you if all of them are 4* or some will also be limited to 3*.

Since you need a green project and LJ appears more useful to you than Kasshrek AND heā€™ll be useful to you in Class Eventsā€¦ the risk/reward balance skews in favor of LJ


yup. shields on. titan and monogreen raiding.

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