Lianna, worthy for LB or nah?

Hello everyone,

I currently need a green sniper. But the only two green snipers I have are Lianna (no costume) and Gregorion.

I am not too keen on Gregorion, as he’s an average sniper, so I am currently thinking of working on Lianna instead.

I know she is a season 1 and stuff, but she is still top tier among the S1 heroes. Should I give her the LB materials (also the emblems) or should I work on Gregorion instead?

Thank you in advance!


Lianna, a hard hitting fast sniper, if you have a def down hero she can delete a target, good luck whatever you choose,

Gregorion is great as well but hes average

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Green is my weakest color!
I maxed two Liannas and LBed one. She is quite useful:

Maybe the stats help you to decide…

Happy gaming


Thank you guys!

The stats don’t look to shabby for me. So I might go with Lianna instead.

I love my Lili. I have Quenel but still use her. I also have her costume that helps a bit with stats and mana speed. I have a 2nd Lianna maxed, no emblems, and still use her sometimes.

The best hero to break is whoever you own and love. :grin:

Whoever you choose, good luck and happy gaming.


I would (and did) choose Lianna, but Greg can be handy with the crit boost. I use him on blue titans (usually with Lianna :grin: ). Here Arwen outshines Aragorn.

She is still among the best snipers in the game.

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I don’t really use Lianna currently but keep wanting to add emblems back to her, for a 2nd green team option… I’m personally hesitant on LB s1 5s, I’d rather get a surplus of mats first to make sure I don’t get caught off guard if a 2nd level of LB were to be introduced.

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Gregorion is much better in my opinion.
Back then I used Lianna more because snipers were stronger, they could kill one hit but nowdays it doesn’t happen anymore, and Lianna does nothing but hitting. So I prefer Greg who also hits hard + 30% critic whole team


As always depends on your roster, but I use Lianna all the time both in and out of costume. I actually LB’d her base form AND her costume form.

I would say if she is who you use, have no prospects on the horizon to replace her, and like playing with her go for it.

Good luck either way!



Short answer: no s1 should be LB without a 2nd costume. Save the materials. Unless you are impatient. Better heroes will definitely come. Liana for me has been stripped of emblems and never comes off the bench

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Just keep her at 80 for now, it is best to hold on to these LB materials as you will eventually get a more recent green and regret the decision. I have costume Lianna max emblem, not limit broken, and she still does great.

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You could wait to see how she works with the superior talent and family bonus and decide after

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Well, I’ve been playing for over 4 years and only have one non-S1 green. So is that waiting long enough? I haven’t LB her because like you, I find she does great. But if someone has the spare resources to do so (i.e. have enough to LB 2 or 3 heroes), there’s no reason not to. I’ve considered LB her myself, but just haven’t gotten around it.


4 years in my 5* greens are all vanillas still. :man_shrugging: Can’t explain it, the forest just doesn’t like me. That’s fine, I have allergies anyway. Bring in the blue (cold)! :+1:



That depends clearly on your roster and spending habits!
After nearly 32 months playing that are my green 5* heroes:

Look at the LB mats:

I can limit break the next green after the next green Omega quest in approximately 3 months. Play what you have. Aethers in storage are worthless. An Lbed Lianna wins raids, loot and wars.
And if I get lucky and summon El Nad tomorrow?
It takes a month to level and emblem any new 5*, and every new hero is strong enough to be usefull without limit breaking. And two months later the aethers will be there…

Happy gaming


Took the words from my mouth. Well said!

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Exactly what i was thinking.
I don’t see the point of hanging on to unleveled heroes if they can be of help and use now, enjoy them since this game requires so much stuff to fall into place (without spending of course) so you can OBTAIN the hero, then level and ascend, and then have emblems for it and finally aethers. It’s a hell of a lot and takes a lot of time. Why wait for “something you may get” instead of using what you DO have?

I would have LB my Lianna but I used my green aethers for Lady of the Lake.
I love using MoNo / Evelyn / LotL / Lianna / Kingston
They are my favourite mono raid team and I win a lot with them against teams of 5000+
If I could get enough aethers again I will definitely LB Lianna before Mother North or any of my other greens


Another person, 4 years in, still using Liana and I am still finding places for her to shine. I particularly like her on upper tower levels where special skills that are good for so many turns aren’t so good for that many turns anymore. The same is true for equalizer mode in war as well as map stages with bosses that don’t take status ailments.

Now, with a ninja troop and special S1 talents, I think her pierce will be huge.

So bottom line, I think she is still very relevant and have hoped for her costume for a long time.


The thing about LB is that, for the most part, it seems to work better for most folks to LB who you use, not just who you might, maybe someday, even years from now, might get.

Sure, if you’re planning a great big summoning pull sooner than later (“I’ve been saving gems for XXX months for a Black Friday no-S1 portal and it’s almost here!”) it might make sense to hold off for a specific amount of time, but not like… indefinitely.

(It also makes sense to put off LB if you’re in the middle of something else expensive like leveling up several 5* heroes or grinding troop levels or suchlike, and you just wouldn’t have the resources to get Lianna to 85 soon if you did LB her.)

Side note: there do seem to be events/bosses/etc where opponents are largely or completely immune to status ailments, and then sometimes it’s not terrible to bring a hero who’s all “who gives a flip about status ailments? BOOM HEADSHOT”

That’s not to say there aren’t heroes who deliver more single-target direct damage than Lianna, other abilities aside, but how long do you want to wait for the off-chance?

The answer to that probably depends a lot on your summoning habits — if you are pulling lots of new heroes fairly often, it makes better sense to wait… some… but even then still not indefinitely.

At some point, you dance with the one who brung ya; not only will there eventually be more LB materials, but making your roster stronger now means, in principle, you’re getting more Stuff than you would have been during all that time you’d have otherwise been waiting.