I am planning on running (for Pirates and Morlovia on my 4*) a Holy stacked 3/2 team of
Jackal/Li Xiu/Gretel/Melonhead/Scarface
Will there be friction between Li’s and Gretel in this order? Shoul I switch anyone?
I am planning on running (for Pirates and Morlovia on my 4*) a Holy stacked 3/2 team of
Jackal/Li Xiu/Gretel/Melonhead/Scarface
Will there be friction between Li’s and Gretel in this order? Shoul I switch anyone?
In theory, it’s not the best combination as Gretel’s special needs the opponent to reach full mana, while Li Xiu’s cuts it off.
I tried using them together, and there’s no particular problem, as you can always target with tiles the opponent you hit with Gretel’s special to make him reach full mana. The mana cut from Li Xiu is not so big to make Gretel’s special ineffective