Level up 3*50 special skill

Minor bug
Leveled up a 3* to 50, but the special skill was only at 7/8. When I use the level up button on the character card, it works. When I use the level up button on the hero roster, it does not work; it says Max Level Hero, even though it’s not.

I took a video of this happening, but I can’t upload video here. :-/

@Slxpluvs videos have to be uploaded to a site like YouTube first. Once they’re uploaded there, you can link to it in your post. FYI :grin:

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@Slxpluvs, good that’s defenitly a bugs, but you still can leveling from zooming hero 1st.
Then my suggestion is leveling your hero with 4x green *2 is guaranteed 100% for skill.

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