Let's be fair here

I’m not gonna’ lie. It’s pretty exciting to rip through an entire Ascension Tier in a single feeding session with what was building in the Training Camps. Gluttony never looked so good.


I’ll bet! Every now and then I miss a day of logging in, and come back to find a bunch of feeders in my camps. It is fun, until several of them reach ascension level at the same time and I just spent all my food on the next level of research for some stupid alchemy lab or hunter’s lodge item. :man_facepalming:

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Stocking up represents a different situation or a different choice/game stage.

When I had plenty of heroes to work on, that’s exactly what I did.

There were some times when I spent all my ham on feeding troops, so I let uncollected heroes pile up, only eating the ones I got farming.

And right now I don’t have many heroes I could level up, and I’m being picky/waiting so I’m storing finished feeders and ham in my TCs, and I should be able to instantly level a new 3*, 4*, or costume. I might have enough to max a 5* too, I haven’t tried to count/calculate. (It doesn’t matter; I’ll either run out before I finish and feed up as they come in…or have more for the next. I wouldn’t delay in either case)

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I see it different way. Overfeeding allows you to be able to hit the max level without the issue of trying to calculate every needed point. Why is this important? Because if they didn’t allow it you might never be able to finish some heroes because you don’t have the exact combo of heroes. For example you have a 5* hero at 4.79 that 79 level needs 3962 pts to reach level 80. How many feeders and what kind do you use to get that p!erfectly nice max level. I have gotten super close like with God.

The request doesn’t actually have anything to do with removing the max leveling ability for Special Skill (8/8), that opportunity would remain likely through another avenue in the same area as previously. As well if you need to use a partial feeder to MAX at full ascension that should continue as well. Both these would be logical as needed and factored in if the change is implemented to stop wasteful over feeding deposits. Again - its more of a standard to not allow one to be wasteful in the scenario I defined. Or in both cases of your concern you are simply informed that you will ‘overfeed’ X amount - would you like to continue.

GFDMF S#&* OK I Just bout the GD TRAINER FKN PACK and was leveling Noor after said I wans’t going to level any more fricken 5* heroes its 6:30a, its been a long night, and I wasn’t going to spend money - was hoping for the slim chance of… don’t know shes well OBVIOUSLY SHE IS 2/60!!! because I just used 10 trainers (TG 1* or I would really lose it) 2 of the fkn 10 went toward maxing level 2… the other 8 1* Trainer Heroes were consumed by the game because I HAVE TO WORK THE GAME DAILY TO PLAY IT, SO PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW!!! yES SPEED LEVELING and trying to do more than level and farm with my life!


SGG DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT PLEASE! this is truly a programming 101 issue, get the INTERN to do it…

JESUS 6:40am AZ TIME 8-2-2020. OK WELL WILL DO MY WAR THEN TAKE 5-6 HOURS TO PROCESS THE PERIOD IN REVIEW and all thos fun charts and reports! (lol they are fun but Im so mad).

You players whining about or against this is simply because you can’t wrap your brain around a IF/ELSE STATEMENT… about the special skill 8/8 let sgg turn it on at the END OF MAXING A HERO not at the BEGINING!.

Then you can save up and feed your 10 on colors 2*'s to get your 100% to move up one level and then the next after that till you get your outstanding N of 8 special skill levels players! Think about ALL THE PLAYERS NOT JUST YOURSELF. The thousands of us that are busy are paying for the minority of players can have the small satisfaction of getting their 3* heroe special skill levels earlier than RNG has determined you should. I bet 3*'s are 85-95% of who needs the extra feeders because they level so quick catch my drift???

SGG put a SINGLE toggle button, check box, radio button, option button, select box, or list box with boolean values tied to it (1 or 0) into our profiles that asks this question at least if your not going to assist the majority (again a programming 101 job) that asks:



"AT WHAT POINT WOULD YOU LIKE THE OPTION TO STOP OVERFEEDING YOUR HEROES SELECT 1: after 100, after 500, after 900, after 1,250, 1,251 or more?

or go back to school. Standard interfaces were taught to programmers 50 years ago.

@CrimsonRam yeah what you are saying is the same thing just a different angle.
I can login to my bank and say warn me of this or that, when make a deposit of any sort somewhere if I over or under it it lets me know and doesn’t let the transaction occur (at really any business). Just like when I’ve gotten Google points for spending and I try to buy a gem pack if its a penny short its a no go… its why the title of this thread was titled “LETS BE FAIR HERE”.

I could argue this all day in a 1000s different ways in that this is a wrong approach and not a standard one for transactions… just don’t have the head on straight and will probably comback and delete my rant that I’m not going to reread anytime soon. @Ralsha @BarryWuzHere @Mothra @Harlikwen @DotCom @Disposable @DocDO @Nutsy @Bucwild097

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