Let’s compare rosters! 🦊

Hi @vanZille. If I max Khiona, that would be my 2nd one. More likely to go with Victor for variety. Might do a few pulls in Atlantis and hope for Kage (Dec) or Kunchen (Jan)

Scopes - yeah, will wait for Jan in case of Vela. Otherwise Miki will get them - we mainly do 9* Titans, sometimes 10*

Yup - we do have blue tanks in my alliance :grinning:

I have kept one of each 3* I have ever got, but very few are levelled!

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You are right @Steve9999, havent seen Khiona1 at first look. I hate Vela being Druid (if i remember correctly), i wont take emblems from my Zim and i guess you wouldnt too.

C2P for under a year, you are quite lucky at summoning, having tools for nearly every situation. Wish i had any idea how to do such sheets, i can only turn my cpu on/off :upside_down_face:

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Updated mine, standing at 11 tabard, 4 scopes, 6 rings, 2 of the others. Scopes is what I will hunt/buy, I want my Snow White on d and she is cleric what is fitting in terms of emblems.


And my d, serves me well! :slightly_smiling_face:



I have 6 tabards but waiting for Guardian event before I pull the trigger (Seshat will get them if I don’t get Panther), 4 tonics 3 rings/darts and 2 telescopes. I just want these heroes maxed clearly I have too many heroes not enough mats LOL

Can’t believe what I see and I thought I got a problem of letting heroes go :smile:

Is there a hero you still desire, i dont see many missing for a full set? :star_struck:


LOL, well I keep 1 (3*) 2 (4*) and 3 (5*) dupes max, minus a few exceptions shown in my roster. But make no mistake I feed heroes, I recently fed several 5* heroes to max others. That’s AFTER the feeding :joy:

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@LadyAchilles No Falcon yet?

Yes, so believe it or not I’m chasing past HOTMs and the Elemental D droppers I’m missing and then I’m done with hero pulls. I started playing this year so I missed a lot of the HOTMs I want, they are now coming back around (so happy about that). Here is my list, the bold I really want, non bold would like but okay if I don’t get:


Unfortunately no, I’m getting my life together for Guardian event next month…praying for Falcon and Panther so I can be done there and have def drop for each element

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I’m very glad that some of these are being featured together in the coming ARs, so I can try for 2 or 3 at once.

Woah Guin+12 she must be on def steroids!

I knew you remind me on someone. :upside_down_face:

I run this d for war all the time, sometimes putting kage in and/or one of my red ladies on flank instead of wing. Got attacked about 60 times in last 10 wars (we got a math freak, he does the craziest stats for our alliance) for 3 oneshots, so I guess Guin+12 got a diamond armor :slightly_smiling_face:

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9 out of 10 times we face blue tanks, that seems to be the element where it is easiest to find a decent tank for everyone in our power league (52k war score, 22 warheads), main reason I’m happy with nature being my strongest war element having multiple Hansel/Peters/kingston. :slightly_smiling_face:

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We face a ton of blue tanks too, it’s rather annoying but I definitely have the nature power to defeat, if only I could get tonics :weary:

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There is one in that “cheap” santa offer today and a scope, but i only buy small ones, AR and event, so my kingston2 will wait a long time. i only get tabards lately, they seem to like me. :thinking:

I’ve been playing since April. I spent about $275. I also have about 12k gems saved up. I have 6 tonics that I’m holding incase I pull Zeline. The first 6 months I had a lot of lucky 5* pulls. Boldtusk and Rigard were hiding from me for the longest time and then I got them both on the same day during Grimforest, one from TC20 and one from coin pulls.