Hey guys, looking for a bit or help / opinions on this one.
My team up until about a week ago looked like this;
Melendor (4/70) - Isarnia (3/70) - Gravemaker (3/70) - Joon (3/70) - Sartana (3/70) = TP ~3560+
I had reasonable raid success and my defence usually kept me around 2150-2200 trophies. Recently I thought that I could do with an extra healer on my defense team… I thought as Sartana is a beast, and Isarnia’s mana generation is slow, I thought she was the weaker link for me to swap her out for a maxed Kiril.
My team now looks like this;
Melendor (4/70) - Kiril (4/70) - Gravemaker (3/70) - Joon (3/70) - Sartana (3/70) = TP ~3540+
However I’m finding I’m getting more offline defeats… Dropping me down to around the 2000-2100 trophy level.
What am I doing wrong? Any thoughts?