So it’s this guy
This guy
Apart from debatable Hollywood analogues, would anyone choose buffed Leo over Joon??
I already have Sartana, Justice, Chao and Li in the yellow or sniper roll. Oh, and Bane.
So it’s this guy
This guy
Apart from debatable Hollywood analogues, would anyone choose buffed Leo over Joon??
I already have Sartana, Justice, Chao and Li in the yellow or sniper roll. Oh, and Bane.
i personally love joon, very reliable and his blind has saved my hide many times. however with onatels release I have also comboed her with Leo with great success. joon is my only sniper in yellow though so I’m partial to him
I’d choose Leo over Joon for food. Does that count? To be fair that’s only because I keep getting duplicates of him, Elena, and Khagan
I’m partial to Joon too. Do not have Onatel. Wish I did!
My vote is for Joonbug!!!
Joon, higher attack and fast mana and useful blind effect
I am the crazy person that ascended Leo over Joon. I find Leo highly under-rated. I valued versatility much more than another sniper. Don’t regret the decision at all.
Hey Jonah, great to see you back! i wonder the same as i’m in need of a yellow hitter and Joon and Leonidas are my two options. i’m inclined to Joon but i guess i will see where this thread goes…
That image wins the debate. Amazing
Feed Leo to Joon - decision made
Joon first. Fast hard hitting snipers are nice.
I also like Leo and onatel.
But I always put Joon in my yellow team.
I know joon is slightly better but Leo is highly unerrated and deserves some justice.he was the last man standing in battles countless times with his self heal
Glad you are back! I have 3 Joon and he is awesome for wars and titans. I don’t have Leo, but my brother does and likes him. Ornatel is the only HOTM to evade me; so I have no input there. Joon is fast and does great damage- the blind is also helpful
I don’t have Joon but Leo is in my Raggy Doll 5* roster - I mostly get the B rated ones and he’s in good company with Elk, Groot and Domitia. I love him though! The mana cut is very effective and the self heal awesome, I’ve even stopped bringing dispellers to raids where I’m up against riposte, I just chuck Leo on the buggars. And isn’t it boring always seeing the same faces out there? GM, Hel, Sartana, Guin… yawn.
My (admittedly biased) vote is for the Spartan!
Is he Sadsack or Backtofront?
Haha! Definitely Backtofront. Always cheerful and with freshly shaved armpits (does Joon shave? his head would suggest so but can you be sure?). The odd man out Kunchen is Sadsack.
Leo is underrated but Joon is still far better.
The “REAL” Leo is a BAD A$#!
Unfortunately @JonahTheBard the LEO on E&P Planet just doesn’t compare to Joon…
Yet here are his +'s which are few over Joon…
I had obtained Leo first, and held him at 3/70 - fortunately for me.
Until they ‘Balance’ him again he unfortunately doesn’t get to be the King in my deck
Thanks Razor, splendid comparative graphic.
I like to like the less popular heroes, it’s the best way to enjoy f2p, but it’s very hard to look past Joon.