Legendary Hero where are u

Look again, they’re 2.5% plus 1.2%. The 1.5% for a classic 5* has to be added to the 1.0% for an event 5*, and then you get the HotM roll.

The odds for HOTM are 1.3% and event 5 star are 1%. They can’t be less than 1%.

1 in 1000 would be less than 1%. It’s possible to have worse than what’s currently there. That’s all I was saying.

No, it’s advertised in game as 1% so that means it is 1%. It is neither higher nor lower than 1%.

And what are the chances that I have won, 4 HOTM? kkkkk i play for 10 months.
3 of them went with epic tokens.
expenses are minimal.

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