Least favorite hero to face in raids and why?

Morel. I hate her/him/it/them/whatever. And not only for her special and mana speed. I sometimes think there’s a (personal, not universal) pattern when facing certain heroes. For example, i always have trouble facing JF because every single time cleanser and dispeller won’t charge in time. But JF is manageable. Morel is not. And my totally personal issue with Morel is that whenever there’s Morel in the enemy team, my board sucks, my team will never charge and a double hit from Morel is not manageable at all. I face far worse enemies and maybe with not the right heroes and still can have the luck to beat them. But when there’s Morel, not matter how strong my team is, i have no luck at all.

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Frigg, odín and octros, specially Frigg. All those heroes that attack all and do damage depending on how many colour tiles there are on the board are too annoying, because if they are about to charge you are afraid of cleaning the board, and in general you cannot play freely, you make stupid moves just to get rid of their colour, and sometimes you are ahead the raid with 4 or 5 heroes alive and just one or two of those annoying heroes can make you loose.

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Is that sort of like the saying scared the crap outta me? LOL. Loose.


I tend to rely on defense down heros, so I’m going to pick Jean-Francois. He seems to give me more trouble than some of the other more powerful heros.

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Just saw a limit broken Penolite in raids, was a quick reroll!

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This, all of it, especially the last sentence! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I hate facing C.Kadilen, always tempted to attack the minions with Skadi, but then I miss and create more minions! :sob:

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If you have Alexandrine I have found her paired with Gefjon/Devanna/ or Capt. Diamonds to be a good counter to Bera. Alexandrine heals herself with each ailment, so all of Bera’s minions in effect heal each hit on her. I have been able to use her to take out 3-4 opponents by herself with tile damage when everyone else is dead because of this.


I really hate facing Ludwig with LOTL or MN behind. Once he has been able to fire his special, there is nearly nothing left to…

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Mother ‘freakin’ North. Just when you think you are ready to deliver the kill shot, she revives half of the opposing team and they always seem to be fully charged, ready to fire off a special. I would rather take facing C. Kadilen and her constant dodge that having to keep facing Mother North.


Besides the high attack after emblems and limit break, why did you reroll? I have her and use her to destroy heavy minion/fiend defenses with Jackal and Uraeus.

Costume Kadilen, Inari, any one of these ridiculously stupid dodge heroes that charge instantly and have no counter and whose 50% dodge is actually 80%. Completely overpowered, unstoppable, and no way to counter them. Just make me rage. The amount of times I’ve fired three hit-3 heroes after she goes off and didn’t hit even one enemy… 50% my a$$.

Second place goes to Elizabeth and Frigg. Elizabeth because once she goes off you are pretty much screwed - no mana, no way to heal, you fall behind and are done. Frigg because she also charges almost instantly so you have no time to do anything if your board isn’t perfect. Why give a fast hero a massive AOE attack, defense down, AND make them a rogue class that evades??


To be honest it would have needed some tinkering with my lineup and I was in a rush! I looked at my cKad and Senan and skipped on. Would like to face him again sometime though.

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Ludwig with Wolfgang in the back and Krampus/BK as a partner is easily the biggest BS hero in the game. If he fires it WILL be undispellable (never seen it not work) and the match will be over. Literally nothing you can do except watch his flanks fires 4 times on you and destroy you.

Alfrike. I’m a ~3-2 person, not mono and it’s amazing how often v. Slow can fire on defense with unfavorable tiles, especially when she is with heroes like Frigg or others that also need attention.

Also Sif can be a pain

I don’t mind cKadilen at all, Caitlin and Devana make her an easy target. 45% dodge, others buttered up for a sniper hit and Aouda can finish off just about anyone.

MN costume , Krampus, Ludwig and Mr Pengi defence is really annoying to face now.

Im guessing you dont have lord loki?

Grimble c sabina lord loki are the answera to that…

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I’ve faced this a few times. Made sure to keep copying Ludwig with Lord Loki to protect the team and then kept pumping tiles into Ludwig to make him re-cast until it was finally dispellable, at which point C Sabina just completely shuts him down.

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I generally really like seeing C Kad in defenses as she is one of the easiest heroes to face and work around, although it gets trickier when she is paired with Krampus.

C Sabina completely nullifies C Kad apart from the hit, and I use my own Hintara to actually gain more health than I lose with that little hit. Waiting 3 turns is usually not too hard at all to utilise C Sabina, and only occasionally do I prematurely use C Sabina in an emergency - which can work for or against you.

Elizabeth at tank is a bit tricky and I find I have to stack. In other positions it is usually very easy to have a heal ready. Hintara is a decent defense against both Elizabeth and Frigg. I use a number of defense up heroes such as Kiril, D Andre to counter Frigg. Luigi is particularly effective. Also any of the 2017 HOTMs with the 15% defense up elemental link - that is undispellable so again great vs Frigg.
Finally I raid with Treevil in every raid and once he hits you have a huge amount of protection even if Frigg does give you defense down

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I have only c Sabina. Ludwig makes MN costume to charge in every 2-3 turns and she keeps on reviving. It’s gonna be difficult to face till we get new hero in live game who stops reviver.

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