LB BK or Queen of Hearts?

Finally have enough red ethers to LB one of my red tanks.

I like BK but he’s become almost irrelevant due to a well-timed debuff.

Queen of Hearts deals a little damage but her taunt card minion is easy to eliminate.

Both are emblemed all the way. I use them equally in wars. BK is my standard defense but I haven’t really tried Queen in there.

Curious what everyone else thinks

BK copy paste this if you need 20chars

BK does his job well without limit breaking, i personally limit breaks offensive heroes that do damages, but queen of hearts a bit underwhelming, so maybe BK then

I have neither so I can’t say from first-hand. But Queen of Hearts cannot be dispelled like BK can and that can get annoying when facing her, especially in Equalizer.

Black knight… Not even a second thought about it.

Bk is good on both offense and defense… I like the queen in conjunction with puss in boots and several other minion heroes… But… Bk all the way.

After facing a ton of both of them, BK is the much more challenging hero to face. Don’t have either but people seem to prefer attacking with BK over the queen as well.

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I have BK - not limit broken though, because I prefer to do it with the heroes that do damage. While I have found the Queen annoying on defense being immune to dispell (well, not immune per se, but the taunt is per minion and not as a buff), I don’t really imagine taking her on offense over BK (as @Chadmo says)

He is simply much sturdier and his attack up great.

Personally, I would wait with my aethers for a strong hitter. But if you want to choose:

  • for offense definitely BK
  • for defense tank position I think I would prioritize BK
  • for defense wing or flank probably the Queen
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I agree with waiting for a hitter, but if you want to LB one of the two, I think QoH (and her taunt minions) will benefit much more from the increased stats than BK.

Who should I rather limit break?

  • Black Knight
  • Queen of Hearts

0 voters

At least the opinion is overwhelming… Hate when it is 50/50.

There seem to be a lot of dispelling options available these days - I am leaning towards Queen of Hearts because of it. But we all know we are fighting against the board more so than the tank, in some cases! Both great choices though - good luck :slight_smile: