LB 1st.. Noor or J-Franco

Rev. Standard(formation) Jabba+18LB Lianna+18LB C.Insarnia+18 SIF+19 Noor+18
If i limit break JF i swap those two…
Play together all the time for the 2020 family link.
But only 1 til next fire aether


Why not?


Without knowing the rest of your roster, presonally, I would do neither. There are vastly better red heroes out there. Whether you have them or not is a different story but I would still probably wait.

Whatever you do I hope it works out for you

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:

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This. It could be that you have your only 5* heroes on that team, and are ammassing aethers. As long as you’re not using up ALL of your aethers to do so, it’s a good idea to get them into usage – they are doing nothing for you in your inventory.

On the other hand, if you have a bunch of “better” heroes that just haven’t been leveled yet, then I’d wait.

I have personally been rather slow to level break, because I have more immediate benefit from levelling new heroes than spending a month on getting those last 5 levels. (Finally did Mr. Pengi, Arco, and Milena. Suddenly Pengi is in my “strongest hero” spot, replacing Ludwig, who replaced Krampus. Arco would be “stronger” than Pengi if I would give him the emblems for node 20, but the critical node is not that pressing for a defensive hero.)


I have both and am considering LB Noor. I have JF at +20 and always used him a lot. It just seems that there are too many places in the game now where a hero that just does status effects is a problem. I still find his functionality very useful and am not taking away emblems.

Noor I have at +15, but that is mostly about the high demand I have for Druid emblems all around. I will definitely take her to +20 for the mana node. I use her in a surprisingly wide variety of places and the only reason I haven’t LB her so far is because she is doing such a great job without it. She still remains on my short list of reds to LB.


Pretty much… but this squad keeps me above 2600+ cupsLeveling pengi and lady locke now… morel after… ares at 3.70 emilio and tahir as much as i can no mats

Save ascension materials for Emilio

That’s what I would do. I’d consider Emilio a much better option.

Just one gamer’s opinion (Or 2 :smile: )

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm: :wolf:

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Emilio will get the aethers and i will keep the next set for Tahir. Emilio and Tahir have a good synergy

I consider feeding him to SE. Thoughts?

Its your card and entitled to do so. There is always reasons to feed certain heros to SE for better cards