Late game is way too slow

I fully agree with you. There are not many goals anymore, once you have reached a certain point

As for the quests, I have made a proposal to adjust them to the cup levels, so that stronger players (Gold, Platin, Diamond arena) get harder and more rewarding quests. Harder so that players actually have to play them and cannot run auto-fight even in the last stages. More rewarding so that they are useful even for advanced players. Diamond players do not need scavenging food or iron quests, but would be glad to get a higher amount of gems or have quests for atlantic coins.
Please vote and/or comment what you think about it: Adjust quest difficulty/rewards to cup levels - #2 by MrMeeseeks

As for the monthy challenges, there also needs to be a change. The completion rewards are great, but the rewards for medium ranks are pretty meh, while only the huge spenders win awesome rewards. For most of us, it is just not worth to put in so much effort, resources and–at least for Legendary tier–money to be competitive.

However, I cannot really agree that the special events have “nothing special in rewards”. The Christmas challenge has quite some trainer heroes, red and blue 3* and 4* ascension items and several tokens. Also, it is quite challenging, even for advanced players to get through the last stages of the hard mode.

As for iron/food to spend, it is high time we got either new buildings in our base or higher levels of the existing buildings. First, the construction itself would again take a lot of iron. Second, the new stuff in the higher forge levels, the new training possbilities and also whatever completely new buildings might offer, would be chances to spend iron and food again.

As for the super-slow farming of gems, I fully agree. Again, my solution would be better quests for stronger players. Another possibility would be to include farmable gems and/or atlantis coins in the high levels of the hard Atlantis levels or to make special farming zones with very difficult to beat monsters where you have a chance to get gems/tokens. Haven’t seen any game other than this so far, where an absolute beginner stage (8/7) remains the best and most popular overall farming stage even for very advanced players.

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