Lancelot vs Brienne

I have a pretty weak team, I’ve not been lucky in summons. The only 4* I have is Sir Lancelot. My main attack team is: (left-to-right)
Balthazar (3-50, 7/8)
Lance (3-52, 8/8)
Gunnar: (3/50, 8/8)
Brienne: (3/48, 6/8)
Bane: (3/50, 5/8)

Here’s my problem. Lance’s attack buff doesn’t stack with Briennes attack buff. Because of this I subbed out Brienne for a maxed Friar, but i noticed my team sucked more so I put her back in.

With Gunnar and Brienne active - it is INSANE how much attack stacks. Every hit is dealt to every player so they get the additional attack. At one point Briennes attack buff gave every +137% attack (when Gunnar was triggered too). But now I’m battling between Briennes buff and Lance’s buff. If Brienne is active and making everyone stronger, I have to wait to use Lance so that I don’t overwrite it.

My only other option at Green is Ishtak. My red options are Azar (3-12, 5/8) and Nashgar (1/1) but I feel dumb benching my only 4*.

What should I do here?

I wouldn’t feel dumb benching your only 4* if they don’t mesh well with your team. Personally in your situation I’d swap Lancelot for Azar as she’s fast mana and will reduce an opponent’s mana. Very useful and can help keep a lethal Special Skill from going off. I have many heroes that people covet or try to pull for sitting on my bench just because they don’t fit well into my main team. If it makes you feel better I have King Arthur untouched on my bench because I have other 5* blues that are more useful to my teams.

“color stacking”
Your red tiles would only deals 1 damage each but your green tiles will damage heavily your opponents. Color stacking will open for you the path to greatness :slight_smile:

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