I have a pretty weak team, I’ve not been lucky in summons. The only 4* I have is Sir Lancelot. My main attack team is: (left-to-right)
Balthazar (3-50, 7/8)
Lance (3-52, 8/8)
Gunnar: (3/50, 8/8)
Brienne: (3/48, 6/8)
Bane: (3/50, 5/8)
Here’s my problem. Lance’s attack buff doesn’t stack with Briennes attack buff. Because of this I subbed out Brienne for a maxed Friar, but i noticed my team sucked more so I put her back in.
With Gunnar and Brienne active - it is INSANE how much attack stacks. Every hit is dealt to every player so they get the additional attack. At one point Briennes attack buff gave every +137% attack (when Gunnar was triggered too). But now I’m battling between Briennes buff and Lance’s buff. If Brienne is active and making everyone stronger, I have to wait to use Lance so that I don’t overwrite it.
My only other option at Green is Ishtak. My red options are Azar (3-12, 5/8) and Nashgar (1/1) but I feel dumb benching my only 4*.
What should I do here?